You are NOT the only one thinkiing along these lines!!!
I have a very complex setup with over 8 keyboards with 110 plugins or combos of plugins with 16 tracks per keyboard in vep.
This includes using bidule to put in dual apregitors inline with each keyboard as well as using push2 and utilizing maschine for use as a midi controller.
Things ive notices. I do save resources when tracks are disabled.. this maybe new with V6 not sure.
But as i deactivate tracks in vep ram use and cpu does go down on the mac side.
So far the main issue for me is the midi learning / automation..This is very basic and could use improvement.
1 - this needs to get overhauled the paramater vs midi ports is not intuative at all. and tedius one one one learning of parmaters other then a few basic ones is not great.
In my example.. i also noticed that... vep never seems to get the midi channel correct. I send out from my controller cc## on ch3 for example. and then one from cc## on ch 2 for example.. and both are showing up as channel 1 with the same CC##. also.. seems to effect all instances of the disable button on the same track in all instances in server not just the one im hooked up to.
I also have the machine controller routed into each of the tracks using Apple AIC virtual midi driver.
as well as the breath controller.. This way i can control the arps on/ off with maschine in midi mode as well as paramaters in live since each track is set to the iac ins for each keyboard.
VEP seems to just ignore my midi channel assignments from maschine and puts them all on ch 1 and also makes them connect to all instances so if i turn off track on on keyboard 1. it also turns off track 1 on all the other instances... what am i missing here. NOTE also does not seem to be a way to invert the range values.. hense my having to reverse my 0 to 127 in machine controller to control when the pads light up or not based on that toggle.
See photos - Take a look at the musicstationV4.png as well.
The first one is what im sending from machine out.. (it is in midi controller mode). and what vep is seeing on the recv. end.
Makes no sense!!