Hi Dave,
It is really very interesting to read how others work with VSL and you described it very detailed. This is a great and constructive contribution to the discussion thank your first of all.
@Acclarion said:
This system has worked well for me, but I only have the standard libraries, and have often wondered how I'll adapt things with the additional articulations if I ever am fortunate enough to acquire the full libraries.
This point was exactly what made me completly redesign my usage of VSL, when before I started my hitherto largest project. In fact I am lucky to have collected over the last 12 yers the whole Superpackage, providing an impressive large variety of different patches for nearly each single orchestral instrument.
If you just take the soloviolin, if I remember well I have loaded more than hundred different patches, it mighrt be less for other instruments but with all sectionsizes we might accumulate for instance for all VSL-Violin-Samples presumably nearly more than 1000 patches.
I understand everyone who say let me just begin with exactly the patch I need and than add only those which seem to be necessary to. This might be defenitly a wway to keep things manageable, but as you consider with good reasons, it is always in danger to exceed the amount of complexity, which stay managable even if you make use of everything which might be for musical reaasons necessary.
As I indicated, this was the Reason why I tried to split the programming of articulationchange in multiple decisions. Since You can not simply use 100 Keyswitches to controle all available Patches for the Soloviolin. And in VI and its Matrices this is not necessary (I confess I am lucky not to use any Keyswitches in my Keyeditor anymore since Cubase has the Expression-map feature to do that) So my three decision inside one Instrumenttype are
1) Which fundamental articulationtyype (legato, Sustain, Short, ect.) programmed via Expressionmap that choses a certain Matrix in my Instrumentpreset for a certain Articulationtype
2) which sectionsize (f.i. Solo, Dim-Strings 2,4,6,8, Chmaberstrings, Orchestral Strings, Appasionata) Y-Axis of a Matrix controled by one CC
3) which variant of a certain Articulationtype which is available in a certain Sectionsize (f.i. legato: mV, nV, Marcato, SulG, etc.) controled by another CC
I am very hopeful about the organization of Synchronstrings to be developped exactly in that direction when I read: "Play short notes, long notes with various attacks, legatos, scalable vibrato intensities and note repetitions with a minimal need to switch articulations, and by moving just one or two preconfigured controllers."
I expect that this will make things easier for us all (provided our Hardware will come along with the demands of Synchronstrings, since Patches like that would have to load not only much more variants to be controleable by CC, but since they are recorded in the Synchron-Stage multiple Microphone-Setup, each singe samplewould be loaded up to 8 times to keep all microphonepositions ready to be mixed.