Vienna Symphonic Library Forum
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    @Another User said:

    If ever I were to make a tutorial video, I would force students to create melodies with a minimum number of patches, it's more effort and time, but the result is worth it.

    If ever anyone would ask me, I would not force anyone to anything, but ask him, for his own musical intention, what he wants to do. and than try to help him to streamline his setup and demand him to follow as much as possiblke what his musical idea wants him to do. imho all in music is about realising musical Ideas/intentions and the only reasonable help is to help being as consequent as possible in that.

    The discussion is very interesting in so far, we all (as far we will enter the VSL-Synchronstage universe) will be forced to redesign our personal approach very fundamently in very much aspects. Let us there fore try the same discussion maybe in a year or two when all synchronlibraries are released and we all might had done already some projects with. I'll be at least very curious how our discussion will be than.

  • "I'm still learning from all the libraries. I've improved over the years mainly because I use the libraies more efficiently. If ever I were to make a tutorial video, I would force students to create melodies with a minimum number of patches, it's more effort and time, but the result is worth it." - Guy Bacos

    It is interesting how one of the most masterful and creative composers using VSL still says he learns from the library, which is a testament to the virtuosic musicians who recorded the samples.  A composer can always learn from hearing great performances, which is after all how Mahler, perhaps the greatest orchestrator of all time, learned by hearing as a renowned conductor all of the intimate details of orchestral performance up close.  One can do something very similar with VSL in being able to hear the sound of instrumental combinations and articulations with the most extreme detail and precision.  

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    @William said:

    ....says he learns from the library, which is a testament to the virtuosic musicians who recorded the samples.

    That is true, the depth of a library is so important. And I do mean it when saying, I could be using the same VSL samples, and in 5 years create better demos simply because of using them more efficiently.

    But like anybody else, I get very excited when new lib comes out. ðŸ˜›

  • "I would make the more decisive difference in respect to the average size of your projects. You do not need care that much about efficiancy, as far you scarcly programm pieces longer than 2-3 minutes excerps and scarcly program larger ochestras or ensembles. But If ever you programmed some 20-30 minutes and larger orchestral music I would suppose, that it is not so much the question, who composed it..." -fahl5

    Even though i tried to create a positive thread in response to the ridiculous negative crap on this Forum, this is a weird, dismissive statement about Guy Bacos music that I cannot let pass.  Fahl5 does not seem to understand that actually composing a piece of music is vastly different from merely performing one the way Fahl5 does.  A performer can do no more than recreate - at best - what a composer actually created before.  A performer is doing maybe 1/1000th of what a composer does.  It is hard as hell to create a piece of music out of nothing - it is totally simple, comparitively, to merely perform one that already exists.  

    When one considers that not only does Bacos compose originally, but also perform and then mix these pieces -  it is mind-blowing.  Also - the statement 2-3 minutes in a dismissive, "oh that's simple" way - it is insulting.  You don't know what you are talking about Fahl5.  Bacos created incredible pieces like the Triple Concerto and Mourning piece for cello and orchestra that are long, complex compositions on a Rachmininoff level.  It is wrong for a performer to dismiss this fantastic actual creation of new music by an actual composer.  I am tired of being put down in the same way -  as if composing is worth less than the mere attempted reproduction that performers do.  

    And now since saying what I actually feel will trash this thread I need to say I don't care what the response is and won't be reading it.  It is useless to create these posts on the internet. 

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    OK that is William as we know him.

    Obviously it is possible that there are different opinions as well as there are different kinds of taste, ambitions, courage and severity in music. It is not worth to dispute that nor to become emotional about that.

    To me it seems to demonstrate a serious lack of appreciation for the great Work of VSL to contaminate the VSL-Forum again and again with that kind of offtopic, and emotional personal harangue. Better let me hear your large scaled work than post useless statements like that. Otherwise we all must think, you simply are not able to, since if you were able to, you  probably would have better things to do than posting like that.😉

    In respect for the great Job of VSL I am not interested to participate or prolong that in any way.

    I 'know' what I am talking about and there is absolutly nothing wrong with it.

    (BTW.: I would not recommend anyone to do anything in music what appears him to be "hard" to do in anyway. How should anyone like anything if even youself did not just enjoyed it to do. That is the miracle of inspiration. Good things are good and not "hard" in anyway. No great composer nor any interpret would ever been able to produce any remarkable amount of music if this would have been "hard" for him and not just his natural way to think and  language to speak.)

  • I want to ask _everybody_ to stay calm and polite during this discussion.

    Thank you.

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library

    Well, getting back on track hopefully.

    I agree with Guy that there is a limitation to ones' imagination using VI's, but if there is one company that tries to make things better for us it is VSL thanks to their exhaustive approach to articulation.

    I was curious to read Williams' approach as it is different to mine. I compose on m/s and each line is articulated at conception so when I come to programme, I, like Fahl have everything to hand which suits me (having 128Gb ram helps too:-). Having said that, I do see the benefits of programming with one source but in my case, I use the crappiest piano in my DAW and then automate/articulate once I have recorded the part in. I am a pianist too and so this makes sense to me, I also try not to quantize too much and to get over latency, a sharp attack is very useful.

    I have to disagree with Fahls' reliance on inspiration though. For me, composing is not necessarily easy and inspiration is hard won by work - as I see it, one needs to create the environment for inspiration to enter and that is done with due diligence. Even then there is no guarantee inspiration will show up, but hard work and an open mind, ready to go where it might be led, are essential (as is a bit of luck).

    I don't believe in such a thing as a work inspired from start to finish, just as there is no real agreement on what inspiration is, nor indeed what moments in a piece are inspired - a composer may be proud of where a particular harmony led to, but a listener might not view that as particularly inspiring! Most composers will admit to some routine work in their pieces, of that I am sure.
  • I write music and I create recordings of works by other composers. The approaches are different due to being creative on one end and trying to be true to the composer's intent on the other end.

    If a work has a lot of legato passages, I might just start by using the legato patches of the various instruments. If the work requires more articulations, I will create each instrument set-up with about four to five slots for different articulations (using Vienna Ensemble). An important thing to consider is the string section you are working with: Not all Violin sections are going to work with a given line. Sometimes, the chamber violins work well, other times it will be orchestral violins. I was working on a symphony and the opening melody of the third movement sounded wonderful with the large violin ensemble. My hope is that the upcoming string section will help fill in some gaps with my compositions. My second piano conerto might really benefit from the use of the new strings.

    I am very greatful that VSL is consistent with their provided articulations. I always want more!!

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    @mh-7635 said:


    Well, getting back on track hopefully.

    I agree with Guy that there is a limitation to ones' imagination using VI's, but if there is one company that tries to make things better for us it is VSL thanks to their exhaustive approach to articulation.

    I was curious to read Williams' approach as it is different to mine. I compose on m/s and each line is articulated at conception so when I come to programme, I, like Fahl have everything to hand which suits me (having 128Gb ram helps too😊. Having said that, I do see the benefits of programming with one source but in my case, I use the crappiest piano in my DAW and then automate/articulate once I have recorded the part in. I am a pianist too and so this makes sense to me, I also try not to quantize too much and to get over latency, a sharp attack is very useful.

    I have to disagree with Fahls' reliance on inspiration though. For me, composing is not necessarily easy and inspiration is hard won by work - as I see it, one needs to create the environment for inspiration to enter and that is done with due diligence. Even then there is no guarantee inspiration will show up, but hard work and an open mind, ready to go where it might be led, are essential (as is a bit of luck).

    I don't believe in such a thing as a work inspired from start to finish, just as there is no real agreement on what inspiration is, nor indeed what moments in a piece are inspired - a composer may be proud of where a particular harmony led to, but a listener might not view that as particularly inspiring! Most composers will admit to some routine work in their pieces, of that I am sure.

    Good points.

    And to elaborate on what I was saying, and to be sure there's no confusion, just like in anything we do that has a minimum of depth, whether it's arts, sports or chess, you have to go to school first, whether it's through an establisment, private, or picked it up here and there, from the streets etc  it's still going to school, and during that time you are forced or force yourself to do things a certain way, simply because your mind is not use to think like this, so this becomes a huge asset in the end. You do not ask the person, what would you like to learn or what are you feeling today? Learning does not interfere at all with ones imagination and inspiration to be creative, just gives him more techniques to work with and express himself, but does require efforts to begin with. And regarding VSL, the point is, that certain exercises on how to connect the various articulations and beyond would be highly benificial, especially to the less experimented who wished to refine themselves. So I would tell a student for example, here is a melody, you must use these articulations to make it more expressive. That is the idea, to make it more musical and give him new ways to approach programming, and first thing you know, this all becomes natural to you and effortless. Of course, to each his own, and nothing wrong with doing it any other ways, maybe there are better approaches, but seems this makes sense to me.

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    "BTW.: I would not recommend anyone to do anything in music what appears him to be "hard" to do in anyway. How should anyone like anything if even youself did not just enjoyed it to do. That is the miracle of inspiration. Good things are good and not "hard" in anyway. No great composer nor any interpret would ever been able to produce any remarkable amount of music if this would have been "hard" for him " - fahl5

    That is ridiculous. Oh, so only pure inspiration from on high creates music? Poof! A masterpiece! The greatest composer of all time Beethoven totally contradcits your naive concept. he worked endlessly and with extreme difficulty on his greatest pieces which his notebooks filled with tortured scrawls reveal clearly. This statement shows profound ignorance of the artistic process which involves huge amoutns of labor and difficulty - and yet you lecture as if you know. You don't.

    "Better let me hear your large scaled work than post useless statements like that. Otherwise we all must think, you simply are not able to, since if you were able to, you probably would have better things to do than posting like that. "- fahl5

    Go to my website and you will find large scale works.

    Here is a specific large scale work if by that you mean five years of composition, one year of MIDI performance preparation -

    This was not just performed by me - it was composed, orchestrated, performed and mixed by me. Another work -

    It is outrageous to dismiss everyone here in your lousy arrogant attitude. The people here are professionals and artists not ignorant jerks as you treat them. You have utterly poisoned this Forum and are in fact a sociopath who cares nothing about anyone except yourself.

  • I, for one, William, appreciate your willingness to say things many others think, but are too politically correct, to suggest themselves. Unfortunately, very few are ever willing to rock the boat, but I would suggest the best way to deal with individuals such as this, is to simply ignore him untill he realizes nobody will indulge or entertain his inflammatory/needle poking comments, and quietly fades in to the distance. You will not get the last word in with him, and I'm pretty sure many people are quietly agreeing with your assessment of him, but I wanted to publically acknowledge that I understand how frustrated you are. Dave

  • William, your works are very much appreciated and that's all that counts. Complexity should NOT be a criteria for great music. I have little esteem for some composers with highly complex approaches. 

  • I wanted to share my novice experience on why and how I switched to VSL. I used to dabble with sound libraries in the early 2000's, during the days of 'soundfonts' and 'giga studio'. While most sample libraries made great quality samples, the one thing that was lacking was classical performance capability. Being a novice amateur composer myself, I couldnt take these libraries seriously beyond a point, as I didnt see how they could ever match the quality of a live performance. When you played a serious of staccto for example, the loudness will not be even. And legato was approximate...etc., I was mainly interested in classical music, and many of these liraries had 'canned' sounds that were suitable for film scores or pop music, but classical music demands a higher level of detail which they didnt have.

    I knew about VSL then but it was too pricey for me at that time,

    And then in 2015, after years of giving up on virtual samples, I happened to listen to a Beethoven string quartet demo on the VSL website. I was simply blown away. I ordered the samples and was blown away again when I played them. The legato was  amazing and the performance samples with repetition....And then there was the Sibelius integration which was phenomenal, and the organization of the VSL website was fantastic. 

    While I am not as advanced as other users here like William and Guy, I feel that the key to me about VSL is organization organization organization.

    No other library will allow me to put together a legato with staccato or pizzicato samples in the same musical phrase and make it sound like it was make in my room by one player at one time. VSL seems to have taken tremendous care in making sure that different articulations blend to give the appearance of a single performance. Without this aspect I dont see the point of sample libraries. This is more critical for classical music than other kinds of music. 



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    @Another User said:

    It is outrageous to dismis2s everyone here in your lousy arrogant attitude. The people here are professionals and artists not ignorant jerks as you treat them.  You have utterly poisoned this Forum and are in fact a sociopath who cares nothing about anyone except yourself.   

    Haven't you read Dietz posting who asked all to stay focused. I still fear wordings like that do not help anyone here and does not show any respect for what Dietz expressivly demanded. So take a deep breath and calm yourself reminding that we are just discussing our obviously very different expiriences of the most efficiant way to use VSL.

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    @fahl5 said:

    Haven't you read Dietz posting who asked all to stay focused. I still fear wordings like that do not help anyone here and does not show any respect for what Dietz expressivly demanded. So take a deep breath and calm yourself reminding that we are just discussing our obviously very different expiriences of the most efficiant way to use VSL.

    Dietz said in this thread following fahl5's post:

    "I want to ask _everybody_ to stay calm and polite during this discussion."

    I hope you don't think he was excluding you fahl5? 

  • deleted. 

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    @fahl5 said:

    Sorry I fear you again completly lost the track of the original argumentation. This thread is not about who has programmed how much how long and how complex pieces. My only point was that if you ever programmed a couple of pieces where one single movement is not 2-3 or 7-8 minutes but up to 20-30 minutes with an ambitious brilliant composer and a largescale Orchestra - at least this was my experience - it is especially in that situation very necessary to organize the whole variety VSL-provides to keep it always available, since you easily need most of it. And therefore the whole usage must be very much streamliined to keep enough awareness for the musical context of the composition as for the ensemble. I know that myself that this problem is not that urgent as long you just program smaller movements between of mostly 2-3 or even 6-8 minutes. So please keep in mind what we are actually discussing here.

    I fear fahl5 that you weren't able to understand William's point. Don't misundertand me, you do fine work with VSL fahl5, however composing and making mockups are 2 different worlds, I already stated that, I know, but you think it's the same. Mockups demand more of an architectural organization, I have done a fair share, so I do know. Composing using VI, is different, and it might be hard for you to understand this since you don't have experience in that field, at least as far as I can see, so might be better you don't compare areas you are not qualified for, (as you elegantly previously said). For composers using virtual instruments, it is not unusual they could end with up between 50 and 300 tracks, among other complexe creative features, and personally, I've often used VSL in pretty innovative ways which is also the thrill of working with VI, being creative within the tools you have,  so the complexity and process here is different, the piece is constantly in experimental stages, not just with new ideas but how they would work with the articulations available. and I could go on.  This is specifically why I don't like to use templates, because the moment I have one, I want to do things differently the next time.  The production of a a 6-8 min composition, can be far more complex than a 30 min mockup, and vice versa, you are comparing apple with oranges. I could speak about some of my works and their complexities but since you seem only aware of my Christmas Carols, Fa,la, la, la, la,  and My Oktoberfest, you probably wouldn't be able to know what I'm talking about. I would certainly not argue how Hans Zimmer or Danny Elfman like to work, because they have different kind of complexities that you are likely to be unfamiliar with.

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    @fahl5 said:

    Haven't you read Dietz posting who asked all to stay focused. I still fear wordings like that do not help anyone here and does not show any respect for what Dietz expressivly demanded. So take a deep breath and calm yourself reminding that we are just discussing our obviously very different expiriences of the most efficiant way to use VSL.

    Dietz said in this thread following fahl5's post:

    "I want to ask _everybody_ to stay calm and polite during this discussion."

    I hope you don't think he was excluding you fahl5? 

    He has had absolutly no reason to include me, while the passage I cited in Williams posting is obviously more than enough reason for Dietz to call for a mote focused and non personmal aggressive way to comunicate. As I always kept  and will go on to keep.

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    @fahl5 said:

    Sorry I fear you again completly lost the track of the original argumentation. This thread is not about who has programmed how much how long and how complex pieces. My only point was that if you ever programmed a couple of pieces where one single movement is not 2-3 or 7-8 minutes but up to 20-30 minutes with an ambitious brilliant composer and a largescale Orchestra - at least this was my experience - it is especially in that situation very necessary to organize the whole variety VSL-provides to keep it always available, since you easily need most of it. And therefore the whole usage must be very much streamliined to keep enough awareness for the musical context of the composition as for the ensemble. I know that myself that this problem is not that urgent as long you just program smaller movements between of mostly 2-3 or even 6-8 minutes. So please keep in mind what we are actually discussing here.

    I fear fahl5 that you weren't able to understand William's point. Don't misundertand me, you do fine work with VSL fahl5, however composing and making mockups are 2 different worlds, I already stated that, I know, but you think it's the same. Mockups demand more of an architectural organization, I have done a fair share, so I do know. Composing using VI, is different, and it might be hard for you to understand this since you don't have experience in that field, at least as far as I can see, so might be better you don't compare areas you are not qualified for, (as you elegantly previously said). For composers using virtual instruments, it is not unusual they could end with up between 50 and 300 tracks, among other complexe creative features, and personally, I've often used VSL in pretty innovative ways which is also the thrill of working with VI, being creative within the tools you have,  so the complexity and process here is different, the piece is constantly in experimental stages, not just with new ideas but how they would work with the articulations available. and I could go on.  This is specifically why I don't like to use templates, because the moment I have one, I want to do things differently the next time.  The production of a a 6-8 min composition, can be far more complex than a 30 min mockup, and vice versa, you are comparing apple with oranges. I could speak about some of my works and their complexities but since you seem only aware of my Christmas Carols, Fa,la, la, la, la,  and My Oktoberfest, you probably wouldn't be able to know what I'm talking about. I would certainly not argue how Hans Zimmer or Danny Elfman like to work, because they have different kind of complexities that you are likely to be unfamiliar with.

    I actually never "compared" composing and programming an interpretation of an existing music. You should look in Williams postings if you want to know who  compares anything like that.

    By the way I am aware of not more and not less than what I can find online of your music.

    Could you please delete annoying allusions to my name this does not prove any objective or reasonable way to comunicate more over it disturbes very strong the discussion with personal aggressions. So please respect Dietz demand for a respectful way to comunicate as I still do and will not sdtop to do even when other Participants do not.

    You obviously misunderstood me completlty if you believe that I do not know the point of view of a composer, I never said that anywhere, moreover I indicated that I of course composed when ever this has been in any way interesting for me and of course even up to an quarter hour duration. So it is nothing new for me what you say about the difference of composing and interpretation of music with samples. However I merely confessed that I never was interested in Filmmusic composing and therefore did not have any own expirience to compose filmusic based on which I would judge or comment anything which is like filmmusic.

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    @Guy Bacos said:

    William, your works are very much appreciated and that's all that counts. Complexity should NOT be a criteria for great music. I have little esteem for some composers with highly complex approaches. 

    Complexity is at least since Guy de Machauts Missa de notre dame in the 14th century a significant part of our musical tradition. Since that time It has presumably never been any musical epoque without overwhelming examples of large and complex compositions. I even do not see that much great composers at all who would have convinced anyone with consequently refusing to compose in a complex way. Even the Beatles have done several pretty complex things.

    As far imho nothing but the spontaeous and individual taste can and might judge what kind of music deserves our favour, I would not rule out any possible dimension of music at all. Beethoven himself wrote beside his very large scaled and complex Missa solemnis a short very simple song "sah ein Knab ein Röslein stehn" which is of course also great music. But this does not mean, that the tremendous complexity of most of Beethovens late Works "should NOT be a criteria for great music". IMHO it defenitly is! And it is not more and not less than any other way music may appeal to  any faculty of our hearts and minds. At least I do have high esteem for Composers who follow the path of our musical tradition and are inspired by the challenges the great and very often at the same time pretty complex Masterworks in History provide. It is not all what it is about in music, but it also does not deserve any disregard at all.

    However I tend to esteem productivity at least as an indication for an at least pretty livly musical mind, since most of tthe great composers demonstrate often an amazing productivity no matter how complex the music was they composed.