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  • Hello legodo, 

    Yes, tested on High Sierra, with DP 9.5.73657 64 bit. Just tried again, no troubles, 

    You still didn't send us any crash reports, is that correct?

    Did you contact DP with those crashes? Any feedback?


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Hello Paul, I tested with DP 9.5.1 74138 64 bit and it is not the same version as you, but the only one that works with High Sierra. That may be the problem !! I am using Mac OS High Sierra version10.13.1. I tested the same version of DP and VEP on El Capitan and there is no problem. I will also contact Motu to see what they think but I remain convinced that it comes from VEP because it is the only plug in to me this problem. In addition when there is a crash with VEP and DP, DP does not create a report in the console so that I can send it to you. 

    Best regards

  • I am getting the same problems with DP 9.5.1 and the latest version of VEP 6.... I have contacted both MOTU and VSL about this matter without much luck. I first told MOTU about this matter over a month ago and just this past week with VSL. I agree that the problem is with VEP 6 and not MOTU with MAS.

  • I think the problem is with VEP & High Sierra. Just tried running a single audio track through an empty VEP session, from Ableton Live, and it clicks and pops regardless the buffer settings. Also it randomly crashes. So many issues with High Sierra, I hope all devs will manage to sort them out during the next 6 months. I'll not update the OS next year, that's for sure, at this point macOS is the new Windows XP in terms of stability.

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    @Paul said:

    Hello legodo, 

    Yes, tested on High Sierra, with DP 9.5.73657 64 bit. Just tried again, no troubles, 

    You still didn't send us any crash reports, is that correct?

    Did you contact DP with those crashes? Any feedback?


    I'm having the same issue here. Maybe this has something to do with SSD system drives being converted to APFS. If your test machine doesn't have an SSD it would still be HFS+. Do you others having problems have SSD system drive that converted?

  • Are any of you running a Fusion drive as a system drive? Those have been known to cause havoc with daw software.


    And for those that 'updated' to High Sierra I have to ask why? If the system was working fine on whatever OSX you had (except for ElCrapitan which is one of the worst OSX versins ever) why change? Also there is another lesson to be learned here: always have a clone backup of your system drive BEFORE mucking about with OSX updates.

  • VEPro6 is working fine with DP9.5.1 on my current rig (OS 10.10.5), but I'd like to upgrade my Mac to 10.13.1 (High Sierra). 

    However after reading this thread I'm turned off the idea!

    How is VEP 6 and DP 9.5.1 compatibility under OS 10.13.1 ?  Is this problem fixed yet ?



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    @Chris T said:

    VEPro6 is working fine with DP9.5.1 on my current rig (OS 10.10.5), but I'd like to upgrade my Mac to 10.13.1 (High Sierra). 

    However after reading this thread I'm turned off the idea!

    How is VEP 6 and DP 9.5.1 compatibility under OS 10.13.1 ?  Is this problem fixed yet ?



    If your system is working okay why go to High Sierra? I'm not sure that HS has been fully vetted by MOTU for use with DP9.51. What you could do is to partition your system drive and put HS on the new partition. Make sure you have a clone of your system BEFORE doing that though. Carbon Copy Cloner is the tool I use for such work. Makes a fully bootable clone as well as also creates a rescue partition; ignore any advice you might get on another forum about clones to the contrary.


    Or you could pull out your current system drive if possible, put in a blank drive and put HS on that. That way you have an untouched system drive for when things go south.


    Either way around for if/when you do decide to go to HS do it as a clean install and not over the top of Yosemite even though Apple says that's the way it's supposed to be done. And for the love of all that is audio do NOT use Migration Assassin (aka Migration Assistant) to bring stuff over. Clean install everything and that way you won't or shouldn't have gremlins leftover from your old Yosemite install.

  • I have exactly same problem as logodo.

    I have just bought the latest macbook pro with High Sierra pre-installed.

    My DP 9.51 and the latest VEP6 which was updated a week ago still have a critical problem.

    Motu says it's a problem from VEP6...

    Any idea?




  • This has been going on a long time with VEP, MOTU and HS.... MOTU thinks is VEP's problem.  I'm not too optimistic this will be solved anytime soon....

  • I’m in the same boat. VEP and motu are not playing nicely.. I’m on a new iMac pro so I can’t down grade the system. I pay that much for a computer to be able to take advantage of the power of vsl and other instrument plug ins and I can’t use my system!. I hope this is fixed soon. This is killing me.

  • OMG~~ So your new Imac pro is just for Safari? This is so crazy... I am also planning to get Imac pro but still waiting for this problem to be fixed. Many DP users use VEP and UAD.. and i cannot believe that we cannot use these major software in High Sierra... I have been loyal DP users for 20 years and I don't feel good these days....

  • Well I understand that these updates take some time.... But it's been a while now... I hope the update will be coming out soon. Especially since High Sierra and DP 9.5 work great together. Much snappier interface and processing IMHO! Looking forward!!!


  • Well i just joined the club...Same error message as was posted earlier.

    Ok here's what i found on Motunation. This fixed Both UAD issues AND VEPRO.

    Let me know if it helps you too!


    Digital Performer and Universal Audio Workaround fix for UAD plug-ins on macOS High Sierra
    1.) Run the UAD 9.4 installer. Restart the computer. If this is the first time running the UAD installer, make sure to enable the UAD driver in System Preferences, Security & Privacy.
    2.) Open the Applications folder and drag the Digital Performer application to the trash. If you have multiple versions of DP, be sure to drag all versions to the trash.
    3.) Hold the Option Key while clicking on the Finder's "GO" drop-down menu, select Library, then open the Preferences folder. Find the com.motu.MotuAudioSystem folder and drag it to the trash. Empty the trash.
    4.) Download the DP 9.51 installer available at and run the installer.
    5.) Find the VST folder (System HD/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/) and rename the folder to anything other than “VST” (for example, “VST_temp”).
    Your Audio Unit UAD plug-ins will now be available in Digital Performer.

  • Hi Claude,

    That's absolutely brilliant - thanks for sharing, works perfectly here!

    Best, Marnix

  • The problem with this solution is that it rendered my UA plugs (and all other VST's) non-operable in other DAW's that I also use, e.g. Cubase 9 and Protools 12, so not really a good solution for me.  And it still does nothing for VEP.

  • Did this really work? I only use AU and MASplugins so if this can get me up a running again it would be amazing. Please let me know.

  • Anybody got it to work? Just bought new Mac pro. Did the suggested workaround, apparently in didn't work for me. It work for the first attempt. But when I quit DP and try to reopen it'll crash again. The only workaround I found that work is that I have to trash the com.motummotuaudiosystem folder everytime I want to launch DP. Then when i launch dp, dp will rescan all the plugins as if it's a new installed plugins (with vst folder modified/hidden)Then it'll work with no crash. DP will open Ve pro AU just fine as long as I don't quit the Dp Any other suggestions?

  • I have been on with DP support and going back and forth trying to find a solution. VEP 6 doesn't work and there is no work around. VEP 5 will work if you uncheck the MAS VST button in preferences. 

    Switching back to VEP 5 kills me because I had just rebuilt my template using VEP 6. So I am now rebuilding it in VEP 5. Probably take me a day or two to load the instruments and route everything but at least I will have the "sound" I want. It may not be as functional and pretty but it will work until they get around to finding a fix for VEP 6.

    Switching DAWs is more of a pain to me than using VEP 5 and it should be seemless to switch once they figure this mess out. It wasn't sounding like a solution was imminent. We are 4 months down the road from the first post on this board about this issue so I am not optimistic about the next few months.

    I wish VSL was a little more proactive here supplying some solutions or at least sympathy. If there are a few of us here on the boards there are a lot more out there scrambling and that doesn't make anybody look good. MOTU loses in this situation because there is no other option for VEP/MIR while there are a lot of DAWs and they aren't nearly as expensive as samples
