... a presumed "scientific volume" of an instrument on a stage. So many variables with fuzzy definitions: Which instrument? Who's the player? What notes were played? ... And: Who has been listening?
I had discussion before some years ago, I don't remember if it was on this forum or another one and I do remember that was the position VSL took - however I hope that has changed. New experience and technological advancement over time bring new possibilities. If they didn't then why make a new library of instruments already covered? 😊
In general dynamic relations can have many variables - but the variables in this case are pretty cleanly defined, and from where I'm watching it seems to be by design. The instruments are being recorded in position in the same hall - based on the diagrams it seems the plan is very much to fill out the whole orchestra with their seating intact in relation to each other. The array of microphones will be in the same position for all, and I would assume they will be the very same microphones each time. Based on this setup the relations in dynamics between layers and between different instruments (including the effect relative distance plays) is very much measureable, and I would say extremely relevant.
In the end it begs the question - if this is not what they are doing, then what on earth does the "fixed gain" mean? Just to have uniform volume within individual dynamic layers? That's not terribly exciting.. because VSL has done a good job of that since the very first library.. it hardly seems like something to advertise as a new feature..
It is certainly my hope this is what they are doing - I respectfully disagree that natural dynamic levels and correct dynamic range cannot be provided by sample libraries - yes, decisions have to be made, you obviously cannot cover every possibility of live interaction. But then again these libraries are a snapshot of the Synchron players, in the Synchron hall, using the Synchron recording chain - so why not? That correct dynamic relationships are perceiveable is hard to dispute - because it is so painfully obvious in its absence. 😉