Hm, you know the Berlin Strings than so you will know that their
- section size is something between an a bit to small symphonic or a bit to large chamber ensemble
- it comes without any real recorded con sordino samples at all.
- and it has not more mic-posittions then the standard version of the SyStr. and
- ithas just half of the amount of velocitylayers ( not to talk abot the large amount of Variants recorded for each articulationtype in SyStr.)
The Berlin Strings Articulationlist seems to be impressive on the first glance, but as far as I understood VSL SyStr. is nothing more than a Volme 1.
I am pretty sure that a Volume II will include not only an original sordino articulationset as we know it from VSL (I expect also the Sul Pont, Sul Tasto, Harmonics articulations we have got for all previous VSL stringlibraries).
But yes the different legatotypes seem to be not that different if you compare just the names. But again when it comes to recorded Variants and Vel.Layers the SyStr seem to provide that much more real recorded details of the stringsound that scripting must not so much alter synthetically the recorded Stringsound as it seem to me pretty audible the case for the Berlin Strings
However Lets wait what the audible reality of SyStr will be, since technical details and features are one side. Viennese Strings another 😉