Vienna Symphonic Library Forum
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  • I did, Thank you!

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    @Adia said:

    I did, Thank you!
    Could you please reply?

  • Hi, 

    My colleagues in Vienna are taking care of the upload. 

    Thanks for your patience. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • I just saw ... This month Blue Planet ll starts on ARD (from 19.02) ... just for the one who is interested to see beautiful pictures in combi with Synchron Recordings (and understands German) ...

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    @LAJ said:

    I just saw ... This month Blue Planet ll starts on ARD (from 19.02) ... just for the one who is interested to see beautiful pictures in combi with Synchron Recordings (and understands German) ...

    I'm the one. 😉

    Thanks for info.

  • Hello, in Synchron Strings, what does this number like 21F or 22F a the beginning of patches names means?

  • Hi all

    Any updates on Synchrons? (e.g.: Player Videos, Player Beta Version, Missing Legato Patches, ...?)



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    The complete set of 2nd Violins has just been made available, you may donwload the files at myVSL.

  • Any change log on Violins I V3 update?

  • There is no violins V3 update.

  • What is it? Is it Strings with complete 2-nd violins articulations?


  • Yes. Complete 2nd violins, with all the articulations which were missing. The Strings patch has also been updated.

  • Hi,

    Is there a way of checking what components of Synchron Strings I have and haven't installed? The download manager doesn't seem to keep a log of this, and given the updates, fixes, etc, I want to make sure that I've updated everything I need, but without pointlessly re-downloading stuff I already have.

    Thanks in advance.


  • How is this firm doing this.??They release and release ... and they even have their own Player now. Do they have an army of Editors?

  • OK with all respect I do have for Spitfire as one of the few competitors of VSL who are seriously trying to present orchestral samplelibraries, at least as far this Video could present it to me this is definitly nothing what does impress me: They are obviously not awware, that in 20 minutes "in action" Video they dont present anything what I would not likewise expect from some decent synthypad-patches. I mean however they refer to Hans Zimmer to evoke dreams of the big film business with much money for very few notes and composition effort. If they went on like this they will end up boring me as Nils Frahms it already does with nearly all of his time consuming musical nothing that he presents.

    No sorry, our music tradition definitly has more challenges than only the slowest adagio impressions. If they want to show anything in action, I would expect at least different kinds of action and not only constant lethargy in all variations the usage of bow allows.

    However "many" libraries they present it seems to be more the Problem that they are nearly completly focussed on producing pad-like sounds with not that much real musical relevance. I already have had the same impression with their LCO Strings its allways about the same Ideal of a syntheziser pad without the necessary usability for the whole variety one would expect from strings playing more than any "dreamy" minorchord but real music with meldies, rythm architecture of dramaturgy, motives and development.

    Good to know that VSL stands still on the real ground of music and seems to be not tat much in danger to flow away in a nilsfrahm like musical out of nowhere and nothing.

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    @fahl5 said:

    Good to know that VSL stands still on the real ground of music and seems to be not tat much in danger to flow away in a nilsfrahm like musical out of nowhere and nothing.

    Agreed.  I had not used VSL libraries much until now (just VEPro), but this is one of the reasons I bought Synchron Strings, and am adapting my writing to use it more (HW Strings are my usual go-to, but I like Synchron quite a bit). 

    There are several library developers that seem to have adopted the "more is better" approach to sampling, and are releasing libraries with ridiculously unrealistic numbers of players aimed at the overhyped "epic" scoring mindset.  But to me, this kind of "scoring" is little more than sound design with musical samples.  True music, and true musical film scores can stand the test of time and be enjoyable a century or more from now.  Most of these sound-design styled scores and pieces will be forgotten 2 minutes before the piece has ended. 

    It is good to see that VSL is planning and developing with the essence, purity and beauty of true music in mind. 

  • Agreed, as well. This "more is better" approach is unnecessary. And I agree on this pad-like sound, too. With this ridiculous number of players you can't really make professional sounding orchestration, in my opinion. I don't like Hans Zimmer scores, I am a John Williams' fanboy, and I would always prefer his complex scores. For this "epic" kind of stuff this new llibrary may be sufficient. But "epic" lies also in the orchestration. I dislike this "trend" and I really hope that there will be more composers like John Williams in the future. At the moment we have very boring movie scores without any motifs/themes really, and, which sound all the same to me.

    The only thing which I like is the UI by ustwo. I am a media designer and really are in this kind of stuff. Unfortuantely, Synchron Player looks a bit "old" compared to this. But in the end it's all about the functionalities and the sound.

  • @fahl5, I had similar thoughts. I do like Spitfire, although I can't use their products for everything I like to do, as most of their libraries have this massive ambience baked into them, and as you said: so much is geared towards playing long, slow harmonies until someone in the back stars falling asleep. And it's always all these different obscure "longs" variations -  super sul tasto, con sordino sul ponticello, no rosin flautando, tremolo with your teeth and a sock stuffed under the string  ... while in reality, sample libraries still struggle the most with rhythm.

    Therefor, these new HZ strings left me moderately unimpressed. Big name, big sound, big data, but beneath the surface, the scope of what I believe I could express using what it comes with in terms of articulations seems typically limited, albeit the sound of course is great.

    From that perspective, I don't see what kind of sense it was supposed to make to bring it up here. Synchron Strings covers completely different ground and is definitely suited better for my purposes.