Vienna Symphonic Library Forum
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    @LAJ said:

    The reason why VSL can't present something else is simply that the whole product is not ready.

    Of course this is the main reason. You could not show the full potential without the Synchron Player running and all sections ready. We are just to curious what let VSL publish their Demo-exsamples perhaps still a bit to early (we have a german proverb like that: better a bird (=later published mature Library) in my hand than a bird on my roof (=to early presented demos+Videos  online) 😛

    However I wonder why Paul has the Releasetime as low as 63. Increase it on 70-72 and Vadim will be satisfied with the Legato no matter if it would be live or a demo. (It was nearly always the release time setting of the user, if ever anything seemed to be "wrong" with VSL-Samples 😉).

    I am happy that VSL does not publish any Library to early, we all know that Synchron Series pushes the limit again much forward, so give them the time to make it as good as possible (and dont mess around with demos and Videos which currently scarcly are able to represent the whole product.)

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    @christof said:

    Maybe my programming wasn't good enough.
    Hello Christof, Your song is a great composition. Beautiful 😊

  • Steinberg taking much more time to develop Dorico extended the trial period ;)

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    @RLD said:

    Steinberg taking much more time to develop Dorico extended the trial period 😉

    Sad state of affairs when Dorico sets the bar for expectations of timely software development and delivery...

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    @christof said:

    Maybe my programming wasn't good enough.

    The composition and midi performance (mockup, programing) were great. People are expecting a smoother legato, or perhaps in other words a more slurred legato. I am not a programmer, so I am not sure what goes into the programming of these libraries. But in reality a performed string legato is smooth but does not contain any portamento. None at all. 

    My guess is that many developers are including a very small amount of portamento in their "legato" patches to fool the ear into thinking the legato is better than it really is. Also to make it seem more "human". Or perhaps the sections just aren't as carefully sampled.  In a real section of 8 celli performing a legato between two notes, the timing is not going to be perfect among all 8 players, unless it is a world class orchestra. The ear hears the timing differences collectively as a sort of portamento or slurring effect. 

    The Synchron Strings celli sound like a very top orchestra section with only the best players who have been thoroughly rehearsed. The change from note to note is nearly perfect within the section. Without the timing differences among the 8 players, people don't hear the humanizing effect of smearing, or slurring that they associate with a string section legato. 


    "... People are expecting a smoother legato, or perhaps in other words a more slurred legato." by Paul McGraw

    Yes. This is true. But don't get us wrong. The Product - as it was presented including all Legati - is brillant!

    But it would be great when the VSL would deliver Portamento on top (Vouchers are prepared from my side!)

    This Portamento-Effect is the most VSL-characteristic sound when I see the VSL-Logo and think about the VSL-articulations. No other Company managed this like Vienna ...
    Without this "strong played" slurred emotional articulation something is really missing.

    (I remember when the Dimension Strings 2 came out and Portamento was missing in the Articulation-Table on the Website it was a Horror for me that they could have missed it. I was so glad that someone just missed to write it into the table.)

  • Is it possible to have more informations about the shorts patches? Looks like a strong decison to have 4 different legatos with several variations but just general patches for shorts! :)

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    @FabioA said:

    Is it possible to have more informations about the shorts patches? Looks like a strong decison to have 4 different legatos with several variations but just general patches for shorts! :)

    Beside the fact, that the Vibrato-Variants of long and Legato Articulations of course does not make that much sens with shorts, you should also consider, that the Shorts do have (beside the most variations) the most velocitylayer including the former seperat provided "harsh" for very high velocities.This seem to me very reasonable since the different types of short articulations are imho not that independently used from the intention of different intensities.

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    @LAJ said:

    But it would be great when the VSL would deliver Portamento on top

    Definitely! While it's best used sparigly, I feel that it's an important part of any serious library.

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    @Another User said:

    But it would be great when the VSL would deliver Portamento on top (Vouchers are prepared from my side!)

    I agree with LAJ about Portamento...

  • Only Violins I and Cellos seem to have legato (in the Sample content tab of the Synchron Strings page).

    I can't imagine it's really the case...


  • This was written in the newsletter ...

    We’ll release the complete set of articulations of 1st violins and cellos, and all the basic articulations of 2nd violins, violas and basses. Performance articulations for these sections will be added in early 2018.

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    @matthieu.lechowski said:

    Only Violins I and Cellos seem to have legato (in the Sample content tab of the Synchron Strings page).

    I can't imagine it's really the case...



    I hope that is just listing the articulations that are available immedietly (ie before Christmas).

    I am sure i read that all the legato for the other sections will be available in the new year.

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    @gabriel81 said:

    This was written in the newsletter ...

    We’ll release the complete set of articulations of 1st violins and cellos, and all the basic articulations of 2nd violins, violas and basses. Performance articulations for these sections will be added in early 2018.

    Ah sorry. Strangely I don't receive newsletters from VSL anymore since months, while my account is configured to receive it....

  • I'm wondering about too.

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    Hi everybody!!

    YAY!! 🍸🎵

    Your Synchron Strings I experience starts right now! THANKS for your patience, and for the great attitude throughout the last weeks!

    Our incredible team has managed to finish all the editing work before the holidays, and the STANDARD LIBRARY of the First Violins are the first available download files. 

    We will be adding all other sections one by one over the next days, always keeping an eye on the performance of our servers.

    We have decided to stick to our established Vienna Instruments / Vienna Instruments Pro platform for now, until the Synchron Player is ready. 

    Here are the steps to get started:  

    1) Download and install all the latest software updates, including the new Download Manager (!!).

    2) Download and install the latest eLicenser Control Center

    3) Get your Library Download files, and download the Vienna Ensemble Project Files with templates for multi-mic setups as well!

    4) The Library Manual will be online tomorrow, and the Setup Guide is already available right here (check out page 5 of the Setup Guide for a Preset Cheat Sheet to get a head-start!)

    More setup videos are in the works, I will add them asap on the product page. 

    All the best from your very happy and quite exhausted Vienna Symphonic Library Team! 

    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Hurray! Just in time for Christmas...

    Thanks guys, looking forward to my download.

  • Thanks Paul and the VSL Team. That's amazing. I just finished my download and can't wait to try the 1st Violins. The installer is running... ;)

    Happy Hollidays and regards


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    @Paul said:

    Hi everybody!!

    YAY!! 🍸🎵

    Your Synchron Strings I experience starts right now! THANKS for your patience, and for the great attitude throughout the last weeks!

    Our incredible team has managed to finish all the editing work before the holidays, and the STANDARD LIBRARY of the First Violins are the first available download files. 

    Ok this is another "sneak preview" for the early birds 😉

    However I can wait....

  • The quality is amazing! Congratulations. My favorite patch is the slow legato. Awesome. I can't wait for the other sections.