I calculated 64 GB for Perc/Drums, Strings, and all basic Winds 😉 ... shit!
Since the appearance of the Synchron Percussions 1, it was clear that a complete Synchron-Library will not be a ultimate must-have for "mainstream-musicians" too soon. (Especially because of the Hardware-costs)
What you have to see today in addition to that is, that many people have thier Harddrives already full of Composer-Libraries. That was not the case when the VSL started their business. (And I'm glad that I never seriously collected some other Library)
But finally I have still more than 3K € Vouchers for future-products ... means: I have to take some action!
1) 64GB seem to be not that bad to work (with some RAM-Managemant) You simply have to care for, that you do not load, what you do not inevitably need. And as Paul mentionned often enough VSLprovide some tools to help you. However, while 64 GB RAM was enough to keep nearly the whole previous Superpackage simultaneously loaded this will be presumably no longer the case with the Synchron-Series.
2) When I started with VSL of course I already had several other Libraries installed and in use (I remember Miroslav Vituos, XSample, lots of Akai Libraries loaded in Kontakt, several Gigasample-libraries). If you need storage go for another (larger) SSD. The amount of Storage which is needed raises as the prices for storage constantly fall. VSL just again pushes the limits😉
3) 3K sound good, spend another 3K for a dedicated Slave and you are fine 😃