If you check any other retailer, prices are already set to non-promo (jrr, audiodeluxe etc.). As I've seen, only ilio (but they have huge lag, and they still write about November release ;)) and VSL have early bird offer now. Which might mean that:
1) indeed we are close to release - hopefully!
2) something is not right and if you are out of luck you will pay full for unreleased product (Best service has this info on SS I site "release date: 12.10.2017 " )
Anyways I'm a bit tired of that "early bird". I was planning to buy other string library which was actually on sale during black friday, but suddenly early bird came and, because of my trust to VSL and love to workflow, I decided to wait. Still waiting people, no worries, no more 50% cheaper strings ;)
Anyways I think that VSL decided to kick in with that early bird to pump up income in last Q of year. But it is going rather akwardly for customers...