Vienna Symphonic Library Forum
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  • Sweetwater is charging full price according to their website.

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    @Vienna-J said:

    Well, I have to articulate my extreme [u]discontent[/u] and [u]rage[/u] for the bad news! I ordered in october and waited for the promised release in "november" in order to finish a current project Im working on. (As I am working on limited budget its not that easy just to say "then you should have bought other products before") What upsets me the most is that not only: 1.) is the release now sheduled december, but 2.) as they never said on the product page or anywhere "will be released in pieces" (=UNFINISHED) Point 1 alone would be upsetting, but 2.) is the icing on the cake and is NOT acceptable! There has never been a word on "will be released in pieces". Thats just [b]customer taunting!![/b] I am Really [u]pissed-off[/u]! sorry, but for these news a simple apology is not enough! Maybe they will offer the pre-ordering-customers some kind of cheap discount for upcoming Synchron-Stage-releases - but that would also be a complete joke, as the customer shouldnt have spend even More money for getting a "we´re sorry"-bonus. The next problem with these shitty news is thatthe new product has to excel and be of uber-quality otherwise people will be even more upset and VSL just even more embarrassed. I just cant get my around the fact, that not only the release will be delayed, but that we are NOW told, that the product will Not be released as it was sold, but in parts/pieces. [b]I amextremly enraged and frustated![/b]
    “Rage”? Really? Something’s definitely not right with your perspective if a product delay causes rage. Annoyance perhaps, but rage? Sorry, but your post reads as either extreme over-reaction or sarcasm.

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    @esperlad said:

    Sweetwater is charging full price according to their website.
    I would switch to or

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    @Mobius said:

    “Rage”? Really? Something’s definitely not right with your perspective if a product delay causes rage. Annoyance perhaps, but rage? Sorry, but your post reads as either extreme over-reaction or sarcasm.

    CLEARLY, we all love VSL's fine work so much that we get extremely passionate about it. That must be it.

    Speaking of being extremely passionate about VSL...

    We just had our first child 2 weeks ago, a girl we named Vienna. Someone just asked me "you seriously didn't name your daughter after a sample library did you?" Of course I didn't....... 😕 but this does at least say that I do mention VSL enough to elicit that question being asked.

    Sorry for getting a bit off topic. I just thought I'd lighten the mood a bit. 😛


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    @SJSF said:

    ... a girl we named Vienna. Someone just asked me "you seriously didn't name your daughter after a sample library did you?" Of course I didn't....... but this does at least say that I do mention VSL enough to elicit that question being asked. Sorry for getting a bit off topic. I just thought I'd lighten the mood a bit. -Sean
    Congratulations. Beautiful Name for a girl. But I think we'll better keep an eye on that ... If your second daughter's name will be "Appassionata" or a son's name will be "Herb" or "Dietz" ... well ... then we got you 😉

  • "Well, I have to articulate my extreme discontent and rage for the bad news!" - I am Really pissed-off! sorry, but for these news a simple apology is not enough! - Vienna-j

    This is hilarious.  

    The kind of reaction shown by silly posts like this represents something disturbing in society right now - that people today are weaklings who cannot do anything for themselves and who start bawling like infants as soon as they don't get what they want instantly.  As stated in the great recent Dawn of the Planet of the Apes - "They're stronger than us because they don't need power."  This person not only needs power, he needs everything provided to him instantly without any delay or he will start crying and soiling his diapers. I just wish these people had to create a sample library instead of just CONSUME - their only ability. 

    No need to shut the thread down or chastize me - this is my only comment.

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    @William said:

    "Well, I have to articulate my extreme discontent and rage for the bad news!" - I am Really pissed-off! sorry, but for these news a simple apology is not enough! - Vienna-j

    This is hilarious.  

    The kind of reaction shown by silly posts like this represents something disturbing in society right now - that people today are weaklings who cannot do anything for themselves and who start bawling like infants as soon as they don't get what they want instantly.  As stated in the great recent Dawn of the Planet of the Apes - "They're stronger than us because they don't need power."  This person not only needs power, he needs everything provided to him instantly without any delay or he will start crying and soiling his diapers. I just wish these people had to create a sample library instead of just CONSUME - their only ability. 

    No need to shut the thread down or chastize me - this is my only comment.

  • "Well, I have to articulate my extreme discontent and rage for the bad news!" - I am Really pissed-off! sorry, but for these news a simple apology is not enough! - Vienna-j

    This is hilarious.  

  • Thank you for the update Paul. It is a bit unfortunate, but it can happen. I hope the Early Bird gets prolonged until some demos are out.

  • Since this product has been delayed and is being released in sections, will it be possible to buy each section separately? At least I could afford it as I think this would be very helpful to me.

  • At the end of the clip, I had heard some loops on one section (may be celli section) at 0:30 and 0:32 , so it is , may  be, possible that something went wrong ...

  • @ProArte Good to read that this sounds strange for you too. But that could be a mistake by the Producer of the demo; instead of a general issue.

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    @Mobius said:

    “Rage”? Really? Something’s definitely not right with your perspective if a product delay causes rage. Annoyance perhaps, but rage? Sorry, but your post reads as either extreme over-reaction or sarcasm.

    CLEARLY, we all love VSL's fine work so much that we get extremely passionate about it. That must be it.

    Speaking of being extremely passionate about VSL...

    We just had our first child 2 weeks ago, a girl we named Vienna. Someone just asked me "you seriously didn't name your daughter after a sample library did you?" Of course I didn't....... 😕 but this does at least say that I do mention VSL enough to elicit that question being asked.

    Sorry for getting a bit off topic. I just thought I'd lighten the mood a bit. 😛



    Thanks, also for understanding the nature/origin of my post. Also congratulations, very much


    It seems like some people (according to their reactions) misred my previous - admittetly a little bit exaggerated - post, as the intend and main concern was Not the incoming delay, but the news about Synchron Strings now beeing released in pieces. Especially what a previous poster said about a previously released product (Dimensions - last bits 2 years later) somehow fueled my post. I didnt know about that happening and hope that will not be the case (again). 

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    @plowman said:



    I'm only guessing here, but Synchron may be able to vary short sounds dynamically, depeding on how they're played -- or at least switch from short to long as the MIDI note and CC's dictate. Consider this from the announcement:




    How? 😊 With 50 ms of delay, maybe. How could it othersie foresee you will release the key quickly (staccato).
    The only solution is to layer staccato notes and long notes on the same patch, and use the staccato as the attack of the long note. Personally, I hope it isn't like that 😊

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    Vienna-J & LAJ,

    Thanks to both! We're happy and sleep deprived! And I could probably name a son Dietz. I could train him to be a sleeper agent so he could someday infultrate VSL to get the source code for MIR. It'd be worth it.

    I'd understand concerns about delay and the segmented release schedule. To be fair, I've seen the same thing before with every leading orchestral library out there. Most just keep a lid on it until release day. I actually prefer getting things in parts cause it forces me to get to know the instrument before I commit to a template. It usually helps a ton when come time to build a template. But I can absolutely relate to the sense of urgency in your post. I'm sure we all know it's best not to hang a job on a new product. But sometimes it's not avoidable either, especially when you don't have a lengthly list of orchestral samples to already work with. Been there done that.

    The only thing I disagree with you on is "a little big exaggerated". Come on now, just admit it. You were a raging madman! 😇 5-6 years ago I flamed in forums constantly (my excuse was a very broken childhood). All the craziness aside, I think every last one of us can at least agree on one thing ---> we either get demos soon, or we should threaten to flood the General board with seriously wonky VSL mp3 demos using our existing instruments! I'd be down with experimenting with VI-Pro's feature and an LFO on just about every CC-assignable feature to make some unnatural cello magic happen. It could get ugly.

    One thing that's irking me about this release. The more I sit here and think "gee, I wonder how much I'm going to be flipping out over this soon..." my thoughts keep turning to extreme impatience. Not for demos. No. I'm getting impatient for Synchron Brass already. My SE+ tuba has served me well. But I so desparately want a new one.


  • "It seems like some people (according to their reactions) misred my previous - admittetly a little bit exaggerated - post"  -vienna-j

    vienna-j :

    Oh really?  I didn't "misred" anything you wrote. 

    btw - learn a little something about spelling and writing in the English language - let alone music - before you lecture people - and composers - who speak English. 

  • My sincere expectation is that Syncron Strings will come out as a full string section in December, because my expectation is high for VSL, both in quality and customer service. 


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    @William said:

    "It seems like some people (according to their reactions) misred my previous - admittetly a little bit exaggerated - post"  -vienna-j

    vienna-j :

    Oh really?  I didn't "misred" anything you wrote. 

    btw - learn a little something about spelling and writing in the English language - let alone music - before you lecture people - and composers - who speak English. 

    Vienna-j, please continue posting. Not all users will try and belittle you like this.

  • I haven't bought Synchron Strings yet, but I can't wait for the video. Paul's tutorial convinced me I had to have Dimensions Strings. I think eight velocity layers will be interesting.

  • Hi,

    will the early bird offer be extended as there are no demos of the library yet? I'm very interested, but I really want to know what this sounds like first.