Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me. This can't be Dimension Strings all over again.
As I recall the year was 2012, September in fact.
Some of us were able to jump in right away. Others however, had an accurate need to know how long the special would last. They were told no longer than first quarter 2013. So they scrambled to find a way to make the purchase whether it was in their best financial interest or not...
The idea was that we "early birds" would enjoy a sizable discount, receive are Violins right away, and the rest of the strings as they became available. (DISASTER)
VSL did not have the servers then, they have now. Violins took 3 days to download. The second piece, Cellos, arrived (9 months later, in June 2013). Yes they were easy to download but that early bird special... Was still going on.
Violas arrived (6 months after that, in January 2014). Sadly, the so called early bird special turned out to not be so special afterall, as it had not yet expired.
Finally the Basses came online July 2014 (7 months after Violas, 11months after Cellos, and nearly 2 years after Violins).
I am convinced we won't go through that again. But I purchased week one then and I've purchased week one now. I don't enjoy spending money before I have too.
As always, Greetings from Hollywood.
Mike B.