I don't expect a release date (that would be craaazy), but ...Well ... why should anyone ask for release dates ...
Hello Poet, in one of his new Videos, Paul mentions that the Synchron Series will be "a modern orchestra". (I don't remember which Video it was exactly) So next is pretty sure Brass and Woodwinds. Reading between the lines of Pauls posts Synchron Strings 2 could be a divisi Version of the current Strings. Regarding to Appssionatas ... Lets see how lush the Synchron Strings 1 do sound when they are stacked with all mics. That could already sound pretty Appassionata like. And if not you could still put Apassionata-Sound on top (as sweetening Effect).
Hi again Paul,
do you have any estimate when will you announce when the Synchron Strings early bird offer ends?
Hi again Paul,
do you have any estimate when will you announce when the Synchron Strings early bird offer ends?
If we can trust the little Video-teaser announcing the Sxnchron-Strings for November than it could not last longer than two weeks ....
but sincerly: I would prefer the VSL keep their highest qualitystandards than that they just keep any finaly completly meaningless announced releasedate. Since the Synchron-Strings I will be of course the very heart of any new Synchronseries, and there is presumably that much so much different as it has been in nearly all other Llibraries before, give them the time to accomplish as much as ever possible what we all already expect with excitement.
Is it a demo in November 2018?
I believe there will be demos in November 2020. I'm hyped and super optimistic!!
So far VSL has been very good at keeping their announcements, lets give them some credit for that. But an update on the progress and current state would be very welcome. The last official word is from November 9, and it has been quiet since then. It's always possible that there were some stubborn bugs or other problems that need to be ironed out first. It would just be nice to know if the November release is still on the cards or if it will be delayed, what with all the black friday deals on other sample libraries.
Last four days for a November relase coming up. Time is really running short for the early bird offer, and there still are no demos, no further informations, and no official word about the progress. I start to get the feeling that the library will not be released next week, even though the homepage still states 'official release in November'.
Last four days for a November relase coming up. Time is really running short for the early bird offer, and there still are no demos, no further informations, and no official word about the progress. I start to get the feeling that the library will not be released next week, even though the homepage still states 'official release in November'.