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  • No visible instances listed in VE PRO 6

    Hi All,

    Before posting, I did my due dilligence and pillaged the internet, these forums and the manual for answers, leading me to post here.

    I have the latest version of VE PRO 6 installed, 2 slave machines and main DAW is Cubase 9 (latest version).

    Both slaves and the DAW are connected via wireless network (via router), IP's on all are set manually, subnet of, etc, windows firewall disabled on all 3 machines. Advertise on local network is enabled in the individual servers.

    I am able to manually connect each slave machine to the DAW via their unique IP addresses but I am unable to see the instances listed in the server browser.  The network, outside of VEPRO works flawlessly.  I've also forwarded the appropriate ports via the router just in case as well.

    Additionally if I start a server instance on the DAW, I do see that one listed as

    Any suggestions?

  • Hello Arnej, 

    Here's what I'd try: Eliminate the router and connect the computers directly (one by one), and see if that works. 

    Double-check that you are using the same network settings (e.g., 192.168.0.x) for all connected computers. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
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    Hi Paul,

    Unfortunately I am unable to check a direction connection as the onboard network controller on the DAW doesn't work (bloody Intel I-218V) and the other machine is a Macbook Pro.  In regards to the network settings, everything is identical.  

    @Paul said:

    Hello Arnej, 

    Here's what I'd try: Eliminate the router and connect the computers directly (one by one), and see if that works. 

    Double-check that you are using the same network settings (e.g., 192.168.0.x) for all connected computers. 


  • Hi Arnej, 

    I'm not sure I understand. You have to connect your computer to your router somehow, right? Use this cable to connect the computers directly. 

    "Identical" is bad, I really hope that you have different IP addresses, e.g., and (happened quite often before). 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
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    Hi Paul,

    Apologies for not making it more clear. All the slaves and the DAW machine are connected to the router wirelessly.  Yes that is correct, .101 and .102 is the IP setup.

    I'm on my way to purchase a couple of network cards and connect the machines directly via ethernet to see if that solves the problem but one would beg to ask that if connectivity was the issue then even a manual connection to the slaves wouldn't be possible?

    @Paul said:

    Hi Arnej, 

    I'm not sure I understand. You have to connect your computer to your router somehow, right? Use this cable to connect the computers directly. 

    "Identical" is bad, I really hope that you have different IP addresses, e.g., and (happened quite often before). 


  • Hi Arnej, 

    I'm afraid I still don't understand your question. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
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    Hi Paul,

    I have 3 machines in total, DAW, Slave1, Slave2 (Macbook Pro).  They're all connected to my router wirelessly via onboard ethernet controllers.  The 3 machines are properly networked via Homegroup in Windows 7.  I am able to use the network normally, see all the machines, copy files, remote desktop connect, etc, etc.

    In VEPRO, none of the slave machines are listed, however if I create a server instance locally on the DAW, that one does show up.  I am able to connect to the slaves via manual ip connection in VEPRO, but this however just loads an unpreserved instance and thus I am unable to use my template.

    So my question isor dillema rather is, it seems like if the wireless connection was the issue, I wouldn't be able to connect at all, right? Or if my network had some issues, there would be general connectivity issues.


    @Paul said:

    Hi Arnej, 

    I'm afraid I still don't understand your question. 


  • Hello Arnej, 

    You're saying:
    "They're all connected to my router wirelessly via onboard ethernet controllers."

    => You should still be able to connect, but wireless connection does not make sense for audio transmission. 

    Please send me screenshots of your network settings on all computers:


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL