Hi again,
well, I thought that you had the Pro Edition also! Then it´s very clear, that you should get GS 3. GS 3.04 seems to be quite stable.
Up to now you had to use, e.g., 2 MIDI channels to get a "normal" perf-leg and, let´s say, a "perf-leg_port". With GS3, these programs are on 1 MIDI channel, and you switch between those two Performance Legatos with the ModWheel (I did that in the Promotion Video:
http://www.vsl.co.at/shop/reality.asp">http://www.vsl.co.at/shop/reality.asp, very intuitive playing, especially with Strings).
AND there are sus-blend programs available, that let you play long target notes with ALL Performance Legatos. You simply switch to a long note after the transition....
and lots more.
For detailed info, simply download the GS 3 art-files you find in the user area www.vsl.co.at/user => updates => art files (GS3), you will find a mapping documentation included.
Best wishes, Paul