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  • VEPro - "Open Instance" does not update the "Untitled" Instance name?

    Hello all,

    I have stored an user Instance with a custom name - "My Strings" for example in VEPro Server. I create a new Instance using the "+" symbol and load my user Instance preset via: Instance Menu => Open Project.

    All is loaded as expected, however the Instance Tap Name does not update according to my custom preset name.

    The Instance Tap keeps "Untitled 1". I can see right to the lock Icon Preserve/Unpeserve) another name:

    Untitled 1 [ My Strings]

    However the main Instance tap name is "Untitled 1"?

    What I'm doing wrong?

  • No answer to this since August?!? Wow. I'm having the same problem. When I load a saved instance, the name and tab color appear as the instance is loading, but reverts back to "Untitled" and gray. How do I fix this?

  • Happens to me to, but I just manually rename the instance. Does that not work for you?

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    @JT3_Jon said:

    Happens to me to, but I just manually rename the instance. Does that not work for you?

    Well that's not really the point. However, having to change the name and color on a large project with dozens of instances is time consuming. When I'm able to use an existing server project, it's no problem. But often I'm having to create a custom set of instances for a project and having to edit the names and colors is simply frustrating. And because there are so many instances, color is extremely helpful to find things to make adjustments.

    The odd thing is while the instance is loading, the name and color appear. They just revert back once the instance is loaded. That leads me to believe the intention was for the name and color to copy over from the saved settings.

    I'm hoping there is a fix for this.

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    A saved Vienna Ensemble project (*.vep) contains all loaded instrument data. It is the saved state of a VE PRO instance. The name of the loaded *.vep file is displayed in the menu bar of each instance [in brackets].

    The instance itself is dynamic in VE PRO, it can be changed anytime, and the dynamic instance (or "preserved") name is essential for the whole concept of VE PRO.

    This is also described in the VE PRO 6 manual, on pages 38-40.

    Colors and instance names are of course saved with VE Server Projects (*.vesp).

    I will definitely check what's possible in regards to saving the chosen color with the *.vep file.


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Thanks for the reply, Paul. I'm not certain from your reply, however, if you were saying the name and color ARE supposed to be saved or are NOT. I'll attach a couple of pics to show you what's happening while the project is loading and after it loads. Seems to me the name and color data are there. It's just not being preserved once the instance loads.





  • Hi Scotty, 

    The name of your loaded *.vep file is displayed right below the instances, in this case [Cello], where your mouse cursor is, in the last picture. 

    A *.vep file does not save the instance color, but I will check if this can be done. 

    Untitled refers to the dynamic instance name (or "preserved" name), which is one of the 2 parameters used to connect to an instance from your sequencer (IP address is the other parameter). 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Hi Paul,

    Actually, the name of the loaded instance is "LASS Vcl". "[Cello]" is the name of the first instrument that is loaded. If you look at the other pictures I uploaded, you'll see the timing of what happens.

    1. I click the plus button to add an instance
    2. I choose "Open Project..."
    3. Then, as the project loads, the new instance tab changes to the proper color and name while the instance is loading.
    4. Then, once it's loaded, the tab reverts back to the default color and name.

    The data is in there. It's reading it. It's even showing it briefly. It's just not keeping it.

  • Hi Scotty,

    I have to confirm this strange instance loading behaviour - thanks for reporting!

    We will look into this as soon as possible - thanks for your patience!

    Best, Marnix

  • I can confirm everything that Scotty is reporting also happens to me on my system. 

  • Yes, I am also seeing this in the current version of VEP6 (6.0.17011)

    I wanted to add the following info:
    - loading a saved instance using the load button from the UI, does indeed flash the color and name that were saved with the instance originally, before turning name back to "Untitled" and color back to that VSL blue ;)
    - however, if I double click on the .vep64 file (in this case am using the 64b version and am on a Mac), now the instance name is populated with the filename! Color is still VSL blue.

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    @antonyb said:

    Yes, I am also seeing this in the current version of VEP6 (6.0.17011)

    I wanted to add the following info:
    - loading a saved instance using the load button from the UI, does indeed flash the color and name that were saved with the instance originally, before turning name back to "Untitled" and color back to that VSL blue 😉
    - however, if I double click on the .vep64 file (in this case am using the 64b version and am on a Mac), now the instance name is populated with the filename! Color is still VSL blue.


    This is odd behavior and, still in 2022, is a current "bug/feature" that I find unsettling.

    I get the same behavior described by those above... the correct name and color comes up as it begins to load, then it goes back to VSL Blue and "Untitled."

    Don't you think it's possible that we would want to build a new server project by loading various new combinations of specific Instances we have previously created? And that we would want them to be named and color-coded as before? Those are the kind of tasks that need happen only once, ever.

    I don't understand this concept. The color and name needs to be saved with the Instance.

    It would be like in an old Roland synth, if every time you created a new Performance you had to re-name the Patches each time.  ???

    That's on top of the fact that it is already confusing that we are discussing Instances, but they are referred to as Projects in the menu.

    Must it be complicated?

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    Halloween 2023 and still doing this for the name in VEPro 7. Why can't the name remain as it was saved?

  • ErisnoE Erisno moved this topic from Vienna Instruments Pro on