I've had Chamber Strings for years now and love it. Most of the time, I'll start off using the Combi patch, work out an arrangement, then break it out into separate parts.
But sometimes the parts are so simple that it's not really necessary to do this EXCEPT that the Combi patch doesn't really sound all that great. The Svi patch doesn't sound very 'legato' and the range of patches aren't broad enough to handle a variety of accents (marcatos).
It seems to me that this Combi -could- be programmed to be a LOT better. In other words, it -could- be updated so that melody lines transition more smoothly, accents sound nicer, etc. without new samples.
Perhaps you could call this a 'Level 2 Combi' Patch.
I would HAPPILY pay for this program update as it would save me a LOT of time in not having to break out simply arrangements into separate MIDI tracks,
Your thoughts?