I'm new to VSL and have just purchased the VSL special Edition complete and started working with it in Sibelius
8.6.1 I have the following problem: I start a score in Sibelius say using WWinds and set up the instruments in VEnsemble and Vienna Instruments. All Instruments play back correctly with the correct ariculations. I saved my Sib. File and my VE File and closed both programs. When I restart Sibelius later it hangs at '' initializing playback system'' -VEnsmble starts and runs in the background, but Sibelius just hangs and will not start.
Any ideas what could be causing this ??
Question: I purchased V Instruments Pro- can I use this with VEnsemble (not the Pro Version) with Sibelius or do I have to have VEnsemble Pro as well.
Stanley McKee