Herbs: "Yes, we do have plans."
That's all?
Of course they do have "plans" and of course still much more interesting ideas but I do have some doubts this will assure you anythiing about which of their "plans" are seriously considered to be realised (!). I also remember a likewise statement of Paul about the possibility to get the sets for the three or four missing vowels for the Vocal libraries. Until now other things obviously have had always higher priority, even such enormous important things like to sample an Ophikleide or a Serpent 😉. (While it would be a for sure a at least also a good Idea to sample historic strings to allow completly historic homogenous ensembles.)
Anyway, I think it is pretty clear that the Synchronstage series will establish an new level of Quality for the basic orchestral samples, like the dimension series have been in relation to the cube. However VSL care for that you can use still all librariies together I do not have any doubts, that the Synchron serie will be the new orchestral flagship, and insofar the cube or later the dimension series have set likewise standards for the highest available Quality in Orchestra sampling at the time of their release, the synchron series will of course be the next step forward.
However I am pretty curious..