I would love to see an In-Depth VSL Dimension Strings Video tutorial Series.
There is a very limited amount of video tutorials on how to setup, use, tips, ..etc. for this amazing, and very flexible library. VSL's Dim-Strings videos are a helpful, but a bit confusing to me, It would be nice if there were more step-by-step how to set it up, and use it in various scenarios video tutorials.
I already requested this from some commercial video tutorials companies, but I was also curious if VSL or anyone related to it educationally would be interested in developing this video tutorial series for Dim-Strings.
Not much exists on Youtube related to using VSL Dim-Strings in detail, with tips, and an overall step-by-step how to videos. So, I really feel this would benefit many of us that have not really understood how to harness the power of this library, and put it to great use in our orchestral templates.
Any feedback on this would be appreciated.