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  • How about the Synchron Series the new VSL

    Synchron Percussions already useable with out any other Part of the Synchron Series available ?

    the new Library is obviously just the first step of something very large which will occupy us presumably in the following years. For now I wonder if and how I already would be able to make really use of the new Library now. OK, I see it is just the first step. At least VI and VE still seem, as if they needs to be adapted to multimic-position use.

    New VSL-Orchestra: how long will it take?

    If I understand right, we are going to get a completly new recorded VSL-Orchestra-Librarie with up to 7 Mic-Positions. Sounds very "competetive" (since most other Orchestra libraries come with 3-5 Mic-Positions.)

    Honestly I wonder in which period VSL plan to realise this new Orchestra. I personally would be very surprised, if this would not be a question of several years.

    Compared with other competitors I personally never saw any reasonable need to "update" the in parts already longtime selling VSL-Samples, while of course I can imagine that there might be a lot things one might improve with a chance of a second run. (for instance way more Velocity layers not only for percussion and drums will be always wellcome) So if VSL start a completly new Orchestra, I hope and am pretty sure that there is enough insight and experience in Vienna to bring sampled orchestra an a completly new level even this still would make very much work to realise..

    Need for much more Hardware and no more need for MIR?

    If I understand right, with the new Synchron Series VSL is going to abandon more or less the MIR-Acoustic turning also in this aspect to pure storage-power that means when ever the Synchron Orchestra will be complete Vienna expect 3-4 TB SSD's. and presumably a considerable large amount of RAM to handle all at once.

    Meanwhile I was quite happy to work on all together on one dedicated PC I think, I will need to add a new PC (or perhaps even more than one PC) just to run the new Synchron Series whenever it will be completly available.

    So we are lucky Vienna Ensemble already has it's ability to work in networks. Guys be ready to come back to the "Multidaw-Setup" we needed in earlier days of VSL. Things are not getting easier, I hope they will at least are getting better.

    I confess I am a bit awestruck of what is coming. I wish VSL good luck for what they are heading for now.

  • Hi

    Does it mean that there won't be any other "standard" library recorded in the silent stage ?

  • Hi,

    Will we be able to purchase Synchron Percussion library on hardware media, i.e., ssd or usb drive?



  • Lovely souding demos :)

    Three Qs:

    1) From what I am seeing, to run the entire Perc I lib. all at once, using the stereo mixes, 12.74 GB of RAM will be required. That correct?

    Which brings me to...

    2) "Stereo Mixes" are not listed on the product page. Is that... ummm.... what is that? :)

    3) Is the only diff between Full and Standard the mic positions? Or does Full have some artics that are not found in Standard?

    Thanks, and keep up the great work!

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    Another three question and further two impudent sugestion to make the switch from the current Silent-Stage-MIR-Orchestra to the Synchron-Series as smooth as possible:

    Q#1: Will there be Synchron-Dimension-Strings and Brass?

    What's about your Dimension-Librarie-concept, will the new Synchron-Strings and Brass also be recorded as Dimension-Libraries (if so: than Guys you are defenitly not Lazy at all)

    q#2: Will there be further "historic instruments" and if so will they be recorded "silent" or "synchron"?

    My Foldertree in VI lists an  own section for historic instruments I wonder if there will be more than the historic wind already published, and of course in which way they will be recorded in future?

    Q#3: Any Bundle-prices for faithful Longtime VSL-Customers??

    I just wonder part of which bundle the Synchron-Series will be, and what bundle-prices there will be for longtime faithful VSL-Customer like for instance Superpackage-Users (as I am)? (Keep in mind that faithful longtime customers are not the least part of what makes you do your great job as you can right now ๐Ÿ˜‰)

    a) How about a MIR-Synchronstage Venue for MIR?

    Please provide a Synchonstage-Venue for MIR so we can mix the new already available Libraries with the we dry Silent-stage-Libraries and MIR.

    b) How about adding a multimicrophone abbbility in MIR

    If the new Libraries brings up multimicrophone-mixing it would be great if MIR would provide at least for a new Synchronstage-Venue also a likewise multimicrophone-mixing option to blend our existing Libraries with those to come.

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    As the first sentence of the product info says, "This all-new Collection of orchestral percussion instruments ushers in a new era for Vienna Symphonic Library."

    My guess is the Synchron will become a new, generation if you will, of VSL.  Synchron will have to "catch up" with the silent stage offerings which might take years?  Once that is complete, every new product coming out of VSL will have a silent stage version and a Synchron version and maybe even a Dimension version.  Pick your pleasure.

    I don't think the silent stage is going away because of the blood sweat and tears that went into the MIR project, years in the making by the way.  Why would they expend all that effort just to use it on the competition's sample libraries.  Unless, as fahl5 is speculating, VSL somehow integrates the two?  Who knows๐Ÿค” 

    Why would they record the Historic Winds 1 on the silent stage only to record the rest of the historic series for Synhcron?  Unless I'm missing something that wouldn't make a lot of sense to me.

    At any rate I'm sure the good folks at VSL are having a barrel of monkeys watching a foolish mortal, like myself, trying to guess what their next move is going to be๐Ÿ˜ƒ

  • How are all the mic possisions handled in VI Pro?

    Dorico, Notion, Sibelius, StudioOne, Cubase, Staffpad VE Pro, Synchon, VI, Kontakt Win11 x64, 64GB RAM, Focusrite Scarlett 18i20, August Forster 190
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    Hello everybody, 

    Itโ€™s great to hear that our new Synchron Series has caught your attention ๐Ÿ‘

    Personally, I have to say that this concept blows away everything else I have heard or worked with. Itโ€™s SO easy to create incredible-sounding percussion instruments now, only adjusting a few levels. 

    I have just uploaded a new video that explains a few things about setup and presets for Synchron Percussion I (currently the second one):!Videos

    You will see how the STEREO-MIX presets are organized in VI and VI PRO, and how you can use the Vienna Ensemble Presets with separate channels for each microphone in VE / VE PRO. 

    Also, thanks for your questions, here are a few answers I can give you: 

    - There will be a MIR PRO Synchron Stage Venue available soon! Stay tuned with our newsletter. 

    - Synchron Percussion I is the first product of the brand-new Synchron Series, more to come. Recording and editing is time-consuming, but we are FAST!

    - There will also be more Vienna Instruments Collections, recorded dry like the existing Collections.  

    - Hardware: A more powerful computer is never a bad idea for any musician, but of course weโ€™re offering some features to help: 

    - Disable Cells Feature in VI: You can now load samples of a cell only when it is receiving MIDI, and load presets with disabled cells, enabling them on demand. 

    - VI PRO with the adjustable Pre-load size for SSD drives helps a lot if you want to load all samples of Synchron Percussion. 

    - RAM-LOAD for ALL samples of Synchron Percussion I (just checked): 

    Vienna Instruments Player & Standard Library:
    12.5 GB RAM

    Vienna Instruments Player & Full Library
    25 GB RAM

    Vienna Instruments PRO Player & Standard Library (Preload Size SSD: 1526 Samples):
    1.2 GB RAM

    Vienna Instruments PRO Player & Full Library (Preload Size SSD: 1526 Samples):
    2.4 GB RAM


    - Vienna Harddrive: We will add Synchron Percussion installation files, it can be added in our webshop with any order (115 EUR) and is now a 2 TB, 5400 rpm drive. Saves you the download for all Vienna Library products, but is NOT a play-back device. 

    - STEREO-MIX is a ready-made preset within Vienna Instruments / PRO, using the internal mixer. It is a downmix of Close, Mid, Main and Main Center mics. 

    - Standard and Full Library differences: โ€œOnlyโ€ the mic positions, thatโ€™s correct. That's new ๐Ÿ˜Š

    - There will be no Dimension Strings products recorded at Synchron Stage, that system will not work (micing all players separately and reverb of the hall). 

    - There will be more historic instruments, just like Historic Winds I. 

    - Bundle prices, Upgrade prices: The introductory price is always a great offer for every user to get your hands on our newest library, for an excellent price. As soon as the introductory time is over, new products are added to Existing Bundles. 

    If you already have all products of a bundle and a new product is added, you will get a reduced bundle price if you add the Bundle to your basket (your registered products will be taken into account). 

    Starting June 1, 2017, Synchron Percussion I will be part of the bundles Percussion Complete and Vienna Super Package.



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Thanks Paul!

    Dorico, Notion, Sibelius, StudioOne, Cubase, Staffpad VE Pro, Synchon, VI, Kontakt Win11 x64, 64GB RAM, Focusrite Scarlett 18i20, August Forster 190
  • Thanks Paul,

    so nice and rare to have this kind of fast and sincere answers from a company.

    Long Live to VSL!

  • Can't tell from the sample list, are there pfp roll articulations for the timpani, bass drum, tams and cymbals. These are very useful articulations missing from the current VSL percussion samples.


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    Thanks Paul for your detailed answer but excuse me, there are still just some questions left:

    "Synchron Venue"

    Great! Will it have likewise 7 microphone-positions ? (That would be cool to have multimiking in MIR)

    "7 seperate channels in VE"

    ?? ๐Ÿ˜•, my current Project (a quite "normal" Pianoconcerto) has currently already 55 VE-channels x 7 which Synchron-miking will make nearly 400 channels in the VE-Mixer so please think about

    • either submixes for each channel
    • or perhaps microphone-mixing iside VI to keep the whole setup manageable.
    • or at least a possibility to mix the different microphone-positions for all channels globaly since it would be very tedous to setup 7 microphones for each channel seperatly this might be useful sometimes, but will be very very clumsy if it must be done allways seperatly

    "Disable Cells Feature in VI: You can now load samples of a cell only when it is receiving MIDI, and load presets with disabled cells, enabling them on demand."

    Sounds interesting:

    • So we could load the whole vienna content in disabled cells and VI only activates those "cells" or (what would be even much more economic) exactly only those samples of a certain preset, matrix or patch which are actually played. 
    • Or do we need to load all in activated cells while programming and, just can reduce the amount of loaded as soon we are sure which cells are not needed in the finished project. ( I think we have had something like that long time ago in the 32bit era)

    "but we are FAST"

    will it take month or years to get the whole Synchron-Orchestra?

    "There will be no Dimension Strings products recorded at Synchron Stage"

    That will be a good reason to add multimikrophon-ability in the upcoming MIR-Synchronstage-venue, to combine your wonderful dimension strings with the new libraries.

    "There will be more historic instruments, just like Historic Winds I"

    I still wonder how your strategy with for instance new historic libraries will be. Of course they need to have a silentstage version to be combinable with the existing historic woodwinds, but would that mean that you will not use the synchronstage also for later projects like that? (Another reason to let MIR with a Synchronstage-Venue blend silent and synchron-libraries

    "Starting June 1, 2017, Synchron Percussion I will be part of the bundles Percussion Complete and Vienna Super Package."

    The current introduction-pricing offers a reduction of 15 %, the superpackage gives currently an reduction of 30 %, so am I right, that it is worth for sperpackageusers to wait until June?

  • Hello Paul, Close Position ... I don't get it ... :( What i still don't get ... where exactly is the close mic placed? In front and centered to each Instrument or somewhere in the near middle at the bassdrum? And can these Drums and Percussions "close" be used in other roompacks somehow? Fahl's MIC question is an interesting one. What i am wondering is, how the dry samples can be integrated in this new concept. How many mics will be available for the dry instruments? A last question. What about the Vienna Choir? Is there still someone trying to build words with it or is this project "closed"? Thanks & BR Lars

  • Thanks for the info Paul :)

    Looking forward to the rest of the orch.... I sure hope to high heaven that there will be seperate Violin I and Violin II.


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    @fahl5 said:

    "Starting June 1, 2017, Synchron Percussion I will be part of the bundles Percussion Complete and Vienna Super Package."

    The current introduction-pricing offers a reduction of 15 %, the superpackage gives currently an reduction of 30 %, so am I right, that it is worth for sperpackageusers to wait until June?

    Getting Synchron Percussion I by completing the bundles Percussion Complete or the Vienna Super Package is not going to be cheaper than taking advantage of the current introductory offer.

    VSL Marketing

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    @fahl5 said:

    "Starting June 1, 2017, Synchron Percussion I will be part of the bundles Percussion Complete and Vienna Super Package."

    The current introduction-pricing offers a reduction of 15 %, the superpackage gives currently an reduction of 30 %, so am I right, that it is worth for sperpackageusers to wait until June?

    Getting Synchron Percussion I by completing the bundles Percussion Complete or the Vienna Super Package is not going to be cheaper than taking advantage of the current introductory offer.

    VSL Marketing

    Oh what a pitty.


    ....than I am obviously still right, that there is at least no reason for a Superpackage Users for any hurry, since their reduction will at least not change after the introduction offer expires.

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    @Jeff Hayat said:

    Looking forward to the rest of the orch.... I sure hope to high heaven that there will be seperate Violin I and Violin II.

    Chances for that are high I guess Jeff. With the sections being recorded in place, and with the Synchron Stage ambiance baked in, it wouldn't be possible to form a second violin section out of the first without compromising the natural ambiance and spatial cues.

  • if the new Full Library Synchron Percussion costs 1.490, imagine a Dimension Series? 

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    @Jeff Hayat said:

    Looking forward to the rest of the orch.... I sure hope to high heaven that there will be seperate Violin I and Violin II.

    Chances for that are high I guess Jeff. With the sections being recorded in place, and with the Synchron Stage ambiance baked in, it wouldn't be possible to form a second violin section out of the first without compromising the natural ambiance and spatial cues.

    Let's hope so. I have no use for a string lib which only has Violin I. Not the way I write and orchestrate ๐Ÿ˜Š

    The other thing I am hopeful for is true div. Recordings of everything re-done with half-size sections. THAT would be a game-changer (and oh boy how I hate that phrase!!!) - the only other string lib on the market w/div. is LASS. Which works well, but this could easily surpass that if done correctly. Hopefully the markest will dicate that going that extra mile is feasible.

    Really, really looking fwd to this entire orch package. Currently, the only VSL products I own are Epic Horns, and VEPro. I am aware of VSL's rep for quality, and attention to detail, and hope that the VSL standards will be met here.

    BTW - remember that NSS thread in '02 (?), where everyone was laughing at VSL, when they came on and announced that they were doing this huge mega-lib.... who's laughing now? ๐Ÿ˜Š

  • What I was wondering yesterday ... are here people who have possibilities to listen / make auro 3d surround in their "home studio". I mean ... yes this is definately interesting, but who has a system like this? And are there f. ex. Headphones available which are auro 3d compatible?