I know there is a warning that external midi is "experimental", however for various reasons, I have to use MoL to send to the VEpro server. I bought VEpro6 update in order to see if the midi latency was improved but alas no difference.
[url=https://www.dropbox.com/s/y3txea2u8u11qta/VEP%20Latency.mp3?dl=0]Here[/url] is what I get. The click is generated from logic, the piano is playing in bidule receiving the same midi signal, and the pizzicato strings is from VEpro receiving the midi but returning the audio via the network.
That's quite some latency. I am not generally bothered by latency but this maybe a touch extreme even for me. :)
Is there some way around this? Why is there so much latency involved when the server version receives it? The standalone behaves like bidule - nice and tight.
FYI I cannot use the plug-in midi:
- cc7 is captured by the SI object in Logic. I am staying with LP9 for serious work LPX (where this can be switched off) has too many problems for me that affect my workflow.
- I need to retain backwards compatiblity. It becomes too complicated to restructure my template so dramatically and I have certain workflows optmised around external midi.
But I don't see why there should be so much latency on receiving MoL. Any ideas?