First, the music as always is impeccable in it's production and esthetic qualities. Hats off to you, William!
I was amused by your comments regarding persuing sheet music sales in lieu of recordings, as I'm not too familiar with anyone in "non-commercial" music-making that earns significantly from either stream. In my own experiences, the only time we sell recordings is when my duo performs live concerts, and then thankfully, we move a ton of CDs (still many boxes worth in our basement!) As to sheet music, even with my local performer friends, I find the awkwardness of trying to gently nudge them toward BUYING the sheet music rather than expecting it as a gift from a "composer friend." Online sheet music sites/publishers have yielded little in the way of opportunity for me as well. That said, you may very well be better connected to the movers and shakers in that area and will succeed admirably, I'm sure!
Best wishes,