Hoping for a speedy reply since the 2+1 offer ends soon. I'm writing for chamber orchestra and I need a good trumpet or two and trombone. I already own Chamber Orchestra and Tenor Sax.
I'm trying to decide between getting individual instruments and SE2 Brass.
1. Is the Bb Mute Trumpet a simple straight mute?
2. I can't really tell from the demos... is the Muted C Trumpet more of a Harmon mute or is it a straight mute like the Bb Muted Trumpet?
3. What articulations in the SE2 Brass are -missing- relative to the Muted C Trumpet?
4. If I get the SE 2 Brass lib, the 2+1 discount does -not- apply, correct?
5. I started a shopping cart for the Muted C Trumpet and the Muted Bb Trumpet. The MyVSL lists a 'Special Edition Discount' for each, but when I get to Checkout, I see no discount. Why? Or is that discount something else?
Thanks in advance!