...But that was in the late 80s; nowadays all the media corporations will have the composer sign over his (her) half of the royalties to them. If I got that job today it would pay maybe a 1/4 of what I was paid, if that. And today everything is far more expensive. The music business is like the rest of Capitalist America, more, more and more for the corporations and little to nothing for everyone else.
Is it really the music business Jerry or is it the fact that technology is such today that any 14-year old Hip Hopper wannabe with a decent computer set up can ditch school all day and masqeurade as a "composer" by layering cinesamples, loops and beats? He can then sell his "works" on a pleathera of sites offering cheap music for the masses across the Net.
Back in the eighties Jerry you weren't competing with the hordes of poop loopers, beat churners, Drone-iacs and so-called DJ's that permeate the scene today. The Internet and the technology has effectively eliminated the gatekeepers that were the norm during the days of old who screened out all of dribble.
If Capitalism is guilty of anything here it is creating the atmosphere that has allowed the current state of affairs. But then again, what would the alternaitve be? Some big brother authority deciding who gets to be a composer and who doesn't? As Winston Churchill said, "Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others." I guess the same could be said for Capitalism; the lesser of all the other evils.
I don't think the problem is Capitalism or the music business Jerry I think it's just the fact that good composers such as yourself and others here are held to same standard as the Hans Zimmerites and the dime a dozen mouse clicking prodigies. Which means there really isn't a standard anymore is there.
Anyway, I'm sorry everyone I got off on a rant there😳