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  • Crépuscule (for piano, strings and percussion)

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    Hope you enjoy this composition for piano, strings and percussion.


    (All strings: dimension strings)

  • Hello Guy, I enjoyed your piece very much. Your work is always perfect and it is a true inspiration for me. Best Regards Francesco

  • Hi Guy,

    What an expressive piece. Very nice piano part (and sound). Highly functional backing strings.

    I posted this on the VI Control forum, and since, I've listened to the Crépuscule several times. Still enjoying it immensely!



  • Love this piece. The composition itself is wonderful. And of course the sound quality is excellent. 

  • Guy,

    That is a really fine piece - molto espressivo.  I love the use of the cymbal timbre, which seems to make some sort of comment in the music.  Also, the piano is supremely expressive.  

  • Excellent work, a Crépuscule leading to some kind of Novalis-ian night.
    It confirms you amongst the most interesting contemporary composers.

    Really liked the piano tone; then may I ask why did you choose such a resonant space for it?
    It sounds like it was recorded in an empty rehearsal room — I admit my personal taste has different inclination.

    VI Special Edition 1-3, Reaper, MuseScore 3, Notion 3 (collecting dust), vst flotsam and jetsam
  • Thanks every one for your comments, they are very much appreciated!

    I struggled shaping the piece, removing and adding bits here and there,  but at the end the arc finally made more sense. I've posted piano demos before, so it's nice to see it doesn't feel a repetition of something previous. Too many influences to mention them all, but Satie stands out as one of them, no secret there.

    William, you mentionned the cymbal, that made an interesting connection with the piano and purposely didn't want to add winds or brass. Percussion instruments are timpani, bass drum, tam tam and cymbal, most of the time adding an effect to a chord. 

    Fabio, The hall used is not so big, it is Sage Gateshead, however, I used much more rev than I usually do, so you've got me thinking now. Maybe I should post an alternative version with less rev to comapare. Don't know if anyone else would chime in on this aspect.

  • Excellent composition always. As you know, reverb is such a personal thing. You can listen to a recorded work played in different settings/rooms and strongly prefer one over another due to the room's qualities (of course, recording techniques such as mic placement, type of mics used, etc. really effect a recording too). But I find this particular piece works so well as presented. I love the amount of reverb and the choice of room/space... I believe the space does not distract from your piece and further believe it actually enhances the work. But that is merely a matter of taste. Some will love the finished rendering as presented here while some will prefer some more tweaking. That does not make them (or myself) correct or incorrect... it's just a matter of personal preference. Love your compositions (and your website)! Thanks. Wayne

  • PaulP Paul moved this topic from Orchestration & Composition on