Hey there! I've been around for years as a composer using VSL samples, but when it comes to EQ, reverb and stuff, I'm an absolute beginner. Perhaps someone can help me with these two questions:
Question 1: I've noticed that using different reverbs and reverb engines creates not only different reverbs, but changes the sound as a whole, for example bringing some instruments to the front and losing others in the mix. Is this the reason why there is obviously no recommended EQ settings for different instruments? I had originally expected to find something on the web that says, "Trombones: 3 KHz +2 DB", "Cellos: 80 Hz -1 DB" or whatever. There is nothing or at least I haven't found it. My assumption now would be that this may be useless because of the change of sound that happens when the signal goes through the reverb. Is that so or what's the reason there is no "EQ settings for dummies"?
Question 2: There's often talk of dry-wet-ratio, like 80:20, particularly to bring some instruments to the front and others to the back. If I use a convolution reverb as a send effect, how do I calculate this ratio from the decibel settings for different channels (in Cubase)? For example, my Violins channel has -3 DB Send Level and SIR2 convolution reverb as used in the Effect Channel says Wet Signal is at (around) DB 0. So what's my ratio? (Please forgive me if the question is totally silly. I'm still trying to cover some basics but it's hard.)
Uh yes, I played around with the EQ and reverb settings within Cubase to achieve something like a John Barry sound. (I'm considering using Vienna Studio in the future, but until then I'm trying out all kind of stuff). If anyone of you would like to listen in and tell me what's exactly wrong/right with the mix, I'd be very happy! The hastily crafted sound snippets are here: http://www.creartistic.com/projects/?p=165
Thanks in advance!