Hi folks! I’m brand new to VEPro and just installed it on three Mac minis: A 2011 16GB/2.0GHz quad-i7 server with two 500GB/7200 drives, a 2011 8GB/2.0GHz quad-i7 server with two 500GB/7200 drives, and a 2014 16GB/3.0GHz dual-i7 with 1TB fusion drive. A scheme is in the works that involves me upgrading the system drives of the 2011 servers to 1TB SSD.
I’d like a little advice on how to best configure the servers so I can spread out CPU/RAM. I record mainly 24/96k and higher audio through a thunderbolt interface.
For DAWs I run Pro Tools 12, Logic Pro X, and Reason 9…and now VEPro 64. I also have GarageBand and Audacity installed, but they’re not used enough to factor into my workflow in any meaningful way. I normally use Logic when I work on my own stuff, but am currently working on getting Pro Tools certified through Avid. I normally don’t use more than one DAW at a time, but there have been isolated incidents of ReWire behavior.
For FX, mixing/mastering purposes, I have around 150 AU/AAX plugins from 3rd parties including Flux, iZotope, Plugin Alliance, Waves, and the Slate Digital Everything Bundle.
My collection of standalone 3rd party VIs is comparatively puny. I have a couple of Arturia’s soft synths and NI Kontakt Player, (along with several paid piano & bass plugins). I guess I can now add Vienna Instruments to this short list. I’ve got three USB/MIDI keyboard controllers that I can basically sprinkle anywhere into this mix too.
Currently, I spike the CPU on a single 16GB machine a lot during the mixing. Slow-tweaking a virtual knob any appreciable amount of time seems to the most common action I’m doing when it occurs. Especially when they're plugins that emulate analog circuitry.
So, how do I best utilize VEPro to ensure that doesn’t happen?
If you wizened sages had the opportunity (or mundane chore) of configuring these computers into best sharing the workload, how would you do it? Would you install separate DAWs on different computers? Would you install them all on the same computer(s)? Which one would be the master, and which ones would be the servers? Would you run your USB keyboards all out of one computer or would you hook them up to specific machines for specific purposes?
I’m There are so many questions, that I’m simply tempted to install everything on all three…but that still leaves the question of the master/server designation.
Did I mention that I’m new here? Have I worn out my welcome yet?
3 Mac Minis, 4 DAWs, And Even More Plugins. How would you configure it?
Sorry for coming in late.
That setup looks ok for me, I'd probably experiment and see how much CPU the external audio processing will take and then adjust accordingly (maybe take more virtual instruments to Server 1).
Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support