I’m not sure why it would matter to VEP6 functioning correctly, but I believe Cubase Pro 9 (mac version) keeps crashing an instance of VEP 6 on my slave Win7 PC, due to a mixer configuration problem in Cubase 9 on my MacPro. I'm not sure why this would crash my instance of VEP6 on my slave PC though. (?)
I load up an instance in Cubase, and upon finishing loading the samples on the slave PC, it crashes VEP (see pics) on the PC, temporarily freezing Cubase from continuing to load session until I’ve closed the instance of VEP6 on the PC. Do I need to turn off something in my VEP settings on either machine, so the Cubase issue doesn’t effect VEP? It’s really annoying since my other VEP instances, on separate slave PCs, open fine within the same session in Cubase just fine. So I believe this is an isolated incident.