I bought the vol. 1 collection and vol. 1 plus some days later. I have normal articulations and plus articulations in the matrix and patch tabs....however, the presets only have normal articulation of vol. 1 but not the additional articulations. Is this a bug or supposed to be this way? Do I have to install something addtional?
Preset question - no plus articulations?
Same here. I think it's the way things goes in this field.
Also, I confirm Matrices for Pluses are available.
Consider that building the kind of presets on steroids you're looking for is not that difficult.
Juswt drag "+" matrices to add to the matrices list to the left.
"+" matrices are as comprehensive you barely need to build it into a preset of its own. 😃
We are talking the easy-way-to-go here. Levels of customization are endless…
VI Special Edition 1-3, Reaper, MuseScore 3, Notion 3 (collecting dust), vst flotsam and jetsam