Hi, I'm using FlStudio 12.4 and I setup a slave computer with Vipro 6 (both on windows 7). I loaded the vsl instances as instruments (tried 64bit / 32bit / vst2 & 3). I found out, that I need to switch on "use fixed size buffers" in the wrapper setup for correct playback in Fl Studo. When I export it, I have some crazy delayes in some single instruments. So I found out that I need to swith "use fixed size buffers" off for a correct export. The problem is that every time I try this the vipro instance and flstudio crash.
Does anyone also experience this issue?
Fl Studio 12 Vienna Ensemble Pro Slave Export Issue
Hello Daku,
Thanks for reporting. Please send a crash dump file to support@vsl.co.at, the crash dumps are stored here:
C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Roaming\VSL\Vienna Ensemble Pro\crashdumps\app(this folder is a hidden system folder, make sure that you see it: Organize => Folder and Search Options => "View" Tab)
What do my colleagues at FL Studio say about this? I have to admit that I'm not an expert FL Studio user.
Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support