Hello, I am new to VSL world. So new in fact, that I probably should have started with Dimension 1, but I bought Dimension 2 because didn't really know what the "muted" sound was about, and I wanted to start with the newest thing.
That said I'm thinking about buying Dimension 1 as well for two reasons:
1) I'm working on "indie pop" type songs and I find tha the strings sound beautiful on their own, but on certain songs, they sound a bit like horns and kazoo's when mixed with guitars. I would not be suprised to find it's my technique, but maybe I should be using the unmuted strings to cut through? I tend to use I light reverb from the Telex MIRx for reverb.
2) I am assuming the Dimension 1 and 2 are completely different playing takes, so mixing the muted and unmuted libraries together would give me 16 individual violin players?
Am I thinking correctly about these two points?
Thanks in advance.
Dimension 1 with Dimension 2 a good idea?
Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support