I have this problem since back then, I'm not entirely sure why is this happening to me.
I have my Pro Tools HD 11 loaded on master computer [ MAC OSX 10.9.5 ] 32GB Ram, Intelxeon 8cores, SSD 1TB.
The CPU usage [Pro Tools's CPU monitor] shown as only 1% with nothing loaded in my PT HD 11, as soon I add an instance connecting to my slave computer, my CPU jumps to 10%-15%, as soon I start adding more Instance, its gradually increasing, but note that I have nothing else loaded, just Instances... on Master computer.
I had no problem doing it locally before without slave computer, I can load massive amount of Kontakts loaded in VEP6 with reasonable CPU usage.
What could be the main cause? I'm using Cat 7 ethernet cable connecting directly from my Mac to my PC [Slave] via Ethernet ports [Direct from Mac to PC] IPV4 were set to [PC], on [Mac], subnet
I also monitor on PC [Slave], cpu usage not even exceed more than 20% cpu usage with pretty intense libraries loaded. I'm expecting Master computer running only instances should be more relaxed? why is this?