I have recently re-installed Kontakt 5 on a pc. But VE pro 6 (latest version) will not see it when I ask it to scan the relevant vst folder. Any ideas? please? Is a Kontakt .dll in someway different from any other .dll as regards VE PRO?
kontakt 5 dll not seen by VE
Thanks...yes, possibly....I shall try and investigate that. Also, it could be that Kontakt 5 64bit has not installed properly due to the absence of a windows system component that requires a windows update. I am currently waiting for 10 hours for the pc to try and update!
Thanks again for the reply Paul. I've checked what I have and where. I have the AU Kontakt 5 (ver 5.6.5) plugin in my core lib components folder and I have the three VST plugins (kontakt5.vst and the 8 and 16 varients) again all version 5.6.5 and again all in the core libraray folder. I have no plugins in my user lib folder.
Have you had a chance to check K5 ver 5.6.5 out yet? It only came out a few days ago...
thanks again.