I am getting hanging notes in Logic Pro X. This issue only relates to one track, all others work fine. Not sure if thats to do with the instrument, sampler or way articulations change.
This particular track uses East West Hollywood Brass/Play 5, I have a line that switches between Marcato and Sustain about 4 times. On the third cycle it seems to hang on a Sustain. It only clears when I Stop/Start a couple of times.
Things I have observed/tested:
1. No obvious CPU spikes
2. All libraries on SSD/SATA3
3. Plenty of free RAM
4. No extraneous midi data only Notes and Controller data
If this were a bug in Play 5 surely every other VI using it would also hang? Is it some kind of caching/streaming issue and do you think increasing the audio buffer would help?
Main DAW template in Logic Pro X 10.2.4, Audio Buffer 256, TC Impact Twin.
Mac Pro 2010, 2 x 3.2 GHz, 128GB RAM, VEP 6, Play 5, Kontakt 5.5.2
PC Slave i7 4790 3.6 GHz, 32GB RAM, VEP 6, Play 5, Kontakt 5.5.2
VEP server plugin on a Software Instrument track controlling a Kontakt or Play instance on remote VEP server with multiple instruments loaded on separate Midi channels.
Up to 16 midi tracks assigned to above for the various articulations.
I am using a Midi FX plugin called Art Conductor in Logic that switches Midi Channels in one Track by using an automation lane scripted to pass Midi or Keyswitch data to the VI whether hosted in the DAW or via VEP.