Careful who you call a troll William. Your tone (yet again) is a disgrace. Some of us have a very good musical education and some are good composers. Criticism of a library that does not include articulations that have been set as a precedent is valid. Nobody expects, nor wants to be insulted by idiots like you because we don't doff our caps every time VSL speaks, so why not play nice and show some respect to your peers.
I am a fully paid up member to VSL, owning most of their products, I respect the company and am grateful that I can give honest, sincere feedback to them without any need for fawning on this forum. Perhaps they might find negative feedback more useful than your gushing sycophancy.
VSL has good competition and whilst I still think they are the best, there is a danger that they will fall behind.
Bill, I don't need to own them - I know what articulations I need for my scores and I know how and where to use them, will that do?