I am recently having problems with VE Pro 6, not sure if it is after the latest update. When I load an existing session in pro Tools 12.6 that already has a VEP instance, the session does not load, and freezes when it starts restoring the aux tracks that recieve audio from VEP server. I shift-opened the session with all plugins inactive, and then activated the plugin one by one and found that it was VE Pro isntance that was causing the problem.
I tried loading the same session with no VE Pro, then inistated a new instance, re-routed all audio inputs, but now I cannot get the midi to go through to VEP server. It is like there is no connection. When I play on the keyboard, VEP does not recieve any midi, eventhough the VEP preference has the Default Midi Channel set to ALL. However, if midi notes are entered manually on a midi track, the notes play. the keybaord works perfectly fine on a standalone Kontakt, so it is not the kepybaord itself, but I suspect this has to do how my midi keyboard (Axiom 61) interacts with the latest VE Pro updated. but not sure what?
I also noticed something new in the VEP plugin that is loaded on the pro tools instrument track, which I do not think was there before. It says : Midi Node: Vienna Ensemble Pro 1 1 Port A.
I am not sure why this says Port A, when I have 16 other ports that I using on the midi tracks. does anyone see the same thing on the VE Pro plugin.
This is really frustrating, can someone please help.