Not sure if this has been previously discussed: I am working with the stereo MAS version of VEP 6 to reduce the amount of instances. When testing multi timbral Omnisphere 2 plugins inside VEP 6, the following occurs:
- Notes are played by the patch connected to the MIDI channel (correct behaviour).
- Automation (tested: CC 7, 11, 1) seems to always correspond to MIDI channels 1-8 (inside port), regardless which input I set for the patches.
This means, if my 1st Omnisphere 2 patch is on Midi channel 3, I can play notes notes on chn. 3, but the automation is read from chn. 1. The same bug applies in the VEP 6 stereo version.
Any advice to solve this problem would be much appreciated.
Andreas Häberlin