I recently purchases VSL SE Vol. 1, which I'm using in conjunction with Finale 25 and VE pro 6. Mostly it works pretty well (I'm using the supplied SE HP preferences). Sometimes, though, it seems I get low notes (in keyswitch) register hanging. This will respond to an All Notes Off expression, but I can't quite figure out the root of this problem.
I am also using several VSL non SE instruments with the VSL keyswitch dump. Again, mostly it's okay - where I'm running into trouble here is in using the keyswitch dump for other libraries. I find it quite handy to have all of those keyswitches as expressions, but sometimes they don't work as I expect them to.
For instance, w/ Spitfire chamber strings, if I insert the expression KSC1, and then a few notes later, KSF#1, I see that F#1 is pushed in addition to C1, rather than as a replacement. The keyswitch expression seems to keep the button depressed. I'm not sure if this is a problem w/ the Spitfire library, or the expression.
If I actually enter the keyswitch as notes, it works as expected.
Not sure if any of this is clear - but I'm hoping maybe others have pertinent experience and advice to share.