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  • Some issues w/ HP+ VSL SE and also the keyswitch dump in Finale 25


    I recently purchases VSL SE Vol. 1, which I'm using in conjunction with Finale 25 and VE pro 6. Mostly it works pretty well (I'm using the supplied SE HP preferences). Sometimes, though, it seems I get low notes (in keyswitch) register hanging. This will respond to an All Notes Off expression, but I can't quite figure out the root of this problem. 

    I am also using several VSL non SE instruments with the VSL keyswitch dump. Again, mostly it's okay - where I'm running into trouble here is in using the keyswitch dump for other libraries. I find it quite handy to have all of those keyswitches as expressions, but sometimes they don't work as I expect them to. 

    For instance, w/ Spitfire chamber strings, if I insert the expression KSC1, and then a few notes later, KSF#1, I see that F#1 is pushed in addition to C1, rather than as a replacement. The keyswitch expression seems to keep the button depressed. I'm not sure if this is a problem w/ the Spitfire library, or the expression. 

    If I actually enter the keyswitch as notes, it works as expected. 

    Not sure if any of this is clear - but I'm hoping maybe others have pertinent experience and advice to share. 

  • I've narrowed this down to a problem that seems to be caused by the VSL SE HP preferences. 

    Duplicating what I sent to VSL support, here are two small midi files, one generated with VSL SE HP engaged, and the other with HP set to "none." If you look in piano roll, you'll notice that extra notes are being added in the 0 register when HP is on. 

    Including the Finale file as well (just one short clarinet phrase) in case anyone has a moment or feels inspired to help! 

    [oops - didn't realize I can't attach MIDI or Finale files... will have to let the question stand on its own]

  • Hello Daniel!

    The Human Playback Preferences for the Special Edition will automatically create key switches for articulation changes. This way the articulations are switched according to your notation marks. However, this can only work with our Special Edition matrices loaded. The keyswitches don't fit with other libraries.

    It shouldn't be a problem that key switches from the keyswitch dump file stay depressed. They don't produce a sound.

    Best regards,

    Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Hi Andi, 

    Thanks. But the problem I am having is that keyswitches seem to be being created on staves that are not VSL SE instruments. In my template I'm using a lot of SE instruments, but also supplementing with sounds from other libraries, and some full and standard VSL libs as well. 

    Do I need to completely disable playback for any non-VSL SE track? In the midi file I sent (via email), you can see that there are a series of C#0s and D#0s added to my short clarinet line - seemingly at random. That's a staff that I was actually assigning to a non-VSL library. I'm wondering if the problem is that some notation (a slur or articulation) is triggering a hidden SE-HP keyswitch.

    Do you see what I mean? And can you think of a workaround, short of needing to disable human playback for any non-VSL SE instrument? 



  • Hello Dan!

    As far as I know it's not possible to use Human Playback Preferences only for some of the instruments or to have different Human Playback Preferences for different instruments. You might want to request such a function from the Finale team.


    Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Actually it IS possible, since you can add playback option "Human Playback Off" to any expression. 

    When I add such an expression to the offending staves, the problem goes away (but along with it, all other HP functionality). 

    Can you confirm for me that those extra keyswitch notes ARE being caused by the VSL LE HP settings? There doesn't always seem to be a rhyme or reason to them (i.e. they don't seem to correspond always to specific markings in the score). 

  • Hi Dan!

    I can confirm that key switches in the range from C1 to F#1 are created by the Human Playback Preferences for the Special Edition.


    Vienna Symphonic Library
  • If you're using other libraries along with VSL you need to add HP preferences for them so that they don't use the VSL keyswitches.

    It's really not up to Andi to trouble shoot Finale and somone elses Sample library.

    Dorico, Notion, Sibelius, StudioOne, Cubase, Staffpad VE Pro, Synchon, VI, Kontakt Win11 x64, 64GB RAM, Focusrite Scarlett 18i20, August Forster 190
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    @Bill said:

    It's really not up to Andi to trouble shoot Finale and somone elses Sample library.

    Thanks Bill. Nor did I ask him to. I am grappling with getting two products to work together. I bought VSL SE because of the Finale HP integration, and I am approaching both tech support teams for advice at making it work. 

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