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  • Folder levels for VST Settings page

    I pointed VE Pro 6 to a folder on my PC, in VST Settings (e.g., E:/VST Plugins) that contained maybe 20 other folders. Each of these subfolders contained dll's of various effects plugins for a particular company.

    Upon noticing that one group of plugins from BBE was not showing up in VE Pro when just the main folder was added to VE Pro, I added the path to the BBE subfolder and then indeed the BBE plugins showed up following a rescan. 

    Is it necessary to add each and every one of the subfolders into VST Settings in order to get VE Pro to load all of the plugins contained within the folders? I would have thought that the main container folder would suffice. No?



  • Hi Gabriel, 

    This shouldn´t be a problem, also works fine here. Which Windows version are you working with, and what is the group of plug-ins that didn´show up?

    Thanks for the additional information!


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
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    @gabehizer said:

    Is it necessary to add each and every one of the subfolders into VST Settings in order to get VE Pro to load all of the plugins contained within the folders? I would have thought that the main container folder would suffice. No?

    I have the same issue, and was in fact informed by support last week, that this folder structure issue is being looked into (at least being on their toDo list) ... 

  • Hi fratveno, 

    Just checked, and indeed my colleague Marnix confirms that I have not been up to date. 

    Just tried to reproduce it. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL