I am having issues with generally the strings (occasionally brass and reeds). I will go to do playback and the stings deafult to playing pizzicato strings (if i remove pizzicato from the default matrice for sibelius violin ensmeble it will deafult to tremelo or stacato). This happens even if i have a slur line, or arco on the score.
I am new to using sound sets, and adore them. When setting up a soundset in sibelius i have a different instance for each section of the orchestra. When i do test and apply it plays them fine. Its just when i hit playback. On one piece i am arting - the pizzicato doesn't come in at all.
I noticed a few threads on older versions of Sibelius - but none for this on 8 that i could see. I am obviously doing something wrong - just a bit confused as to what. Any advice would be grateful - if you need more inofrmation please let me know.