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  • Sibelius 8 - VSL Ensmble 1 - String play pizzicato/tremello / stacato when not needed.


    I am having issues with generally the strings (occasionally brass and reeds). I will go to do playback and the stings deafult to playing pizzicato strings (if i remove pizzicato from the default matrice for sibelius violin ensmeble it will deafult to tremelo or stacato). This happens even if i have a slur line, or arco on the score.

    I am new to using sound sets, and adore them. When setting up a soundset in sibelius i have a different instance for each section of the orchestra. When i do test and apply it plays them fine. Its just when i hit playback. On one piece i am arting - the pizzicato doesn't come in at all.

    I noticed a few threads on older versions of Sibelius - but none for this on 8 that i could see. I am obviously doing something wrong - just a bit confused as to what. Any advice would be grateful - if you need more inofrmation please let me know.

  • leafscott,

    Which matrix do you see active in Vienna Instruments when you play back an instrument in Sibelius which is exhibiting this phenomenon?

  • Hello leafscott and welcome to the forum!

    It can have different reasons why articulation changes don't work as supposed. Did you check out the "Troubleshooting" chapter of the "Optimizing Sibelius Playback" manual? For most such problems you should be able to find a solution there.

    Best regards,

    Vienna Symphonic Library
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