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  • Difference between 1 instance and a tabbet multi instance


    My goal is to have one Template on a Slave PC, which stays unchanged and connects to all my projects.

    In de VEP6 manual i see an Orchestral Template with each instrument section assigned to a unique instance in the Server.  A tabbed setup so to speak.What is the advantage of using this setup compared to loading all instruments in one instance?

    And what would be best for my preferred way of working?(You need to manage your multi thread setup and such, which makes it more complicated.)

    Please elaborate :)


  • Helo Geert, 

    The best template is the one you feel most comfortable with. 

    I just showed off the tab feature in the manual, as it is one way of keeping things organized. 

    Using color-codes and folder structure combined with the GROUP features and the collapsable channels is another one. 

    You can definitely keep everything in one instance (if you´re not stuck with AU), and always start with the highest possible thread setting on a slave computer (leave 1 Thread available for the Sequencer on the master computer, if you´re working with a one computer setup). 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Hi Paul,

    ah, so it is just a way of organizing things, and has no clear advantages or disadvantages.

    Thanks for your time :)



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    @Paul said:

    You can definitely keep everything in one instance (if you´re not stuck with AU), and always start with the highest possible thread setting on a slave computer (leave 1 Thread available for the Sequencer on the master computer, if you´re working with a one computer setup).

    Highest thread setting, in that I choose 7 if I have a quad-core processor with Hyperthreading (4*2-1=7)?

    Is there a recommendation to keep the number of VE(P) instances at a minimum?

    kind regards,

  • Hi Lukas, 

    You can use VE PRO any way you like. Less instances will result in a SLIGHTLY slower CPU usage.


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Hello Paul,

    thank you. But does VE(P) profit from hyperthreading? It seems so as you're talking about "threads" and not cores...?

    kind regards,

  • Hi Lukas, 

    I´m not a programmer, I referred to the Thread setting in the Preferences. 
    AFAIK, VE PRO benefits from hyperthreading. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL