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  • Andi,

    I am using the subscriber version of Sibelius, so I have v. 8.4.1 installed. I am running OS X El Capitan 10.11.6. So in both cases I am using the latest official releases.

    You guys are always great at fixing issues, so I have complete confidence you will figure out what the gltich is. I have worked the new Ensemble Pro 6 version (using VST) and I love it. But I'm glad I won't have to redo all my old configurations. 


  • Hello All,

    I was very excited about VEP6 but it is not working for me yet.  I have a Mac Pro with Sibelius 8.4.1 and two Mac Mini Slaves.  I too noticed that the AU instance of VEPro was missing in the Sibelius devices but it seems using the VST instance is fine.  However, ALL the active devices in Sibelius which magically link to the instances on my slaves under VEPro5 were missing.  So, I activated a new Vienna Ensemble Pro VST device in Sibelius and started to fill some of the instruments in again to match the instruments in the instances on my slaves, but when I tried playing back an existing project, it did not trigger the correct instruments...The Piccolo played the Flute 1 part for example...These are the two top staves in my score and the first two instruments in the corresponding instance.

    At this point I checked the forum!  I read the reports in this thread and decided to revert immediately back to the last version of VEPro5....Having successfully done this, everything is working as it was before - Thank goodnes!.  It took me so many hours to get my system working perfectly that I am not prepared to spend hours trying to get this figured again just for VEPro6.  In this case I will wait for some of the bugs to be ironed out...I'm not complaining as such as I love everything VSL and what I saw of VEPro6 looks great...  It's only natural that a completely recoded version will have some teething pains...and it might work fine with Logic for example on one computer, but with my Sibelius and two slave set-up it is not functioning properly, or at least as it did before, which was perfect...I at least expect it to load my playback configuration.  With VEpro5, I turn my slaves on and load the Instances, I boot up Sibelius and it automatically connects to my slaves...Totally wonderful.  Looking forward to more feedback from similar users and for the future fixes.

    Best,  Andy

  • Just chiming in to say I am having the same problem in Finale 2014. 

    I am a new VE Pro user, so can't speak to behaviors of earlier versions. But I do have Vienna Ensemble Pro.component in my Components folder, and I've rescanned audio units in Finale, but Vienna Ensemble Pro still doesn't show up in my list of available audio units. 

  • Hello everybody, 

    We´re already on it, this should be fixed with the next update. 

    Sorry for the inconvenience, it´s always a bit tricky with the very first version of a program that has been re-programmed from scratch. 

    Thanks for your patience and understanding,


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • The release notes say this is now fixed.  It's not.  And it's worse.  Sibelius doesn't see VE Pro in either AU or VST format.  All playback configurations are reset to empty.

    I rescanned twice.  Rebooted.  Still nothing.

    And what does it mean that Sibelius is deprecated app?  Are you not planning to support SIbelius anymore?

  • Hello dbudde!

    I can't reproduce the problem here. Sibelius finds VE Pro 6 (build 6.0.15224) AU and VST here and I can open Playback Configurations that were created with VE Pro 5.

    I have seen in your previous post that you are using a beta version of OS Sierra. Please understand that we can't check our products on unreleased operation systems. Do you have another OS installed as well?

    We are not planning to give up support for Sibelius.

    Best regards,

    Vienna Symphonic Library
  • About every third scan it is finding the VST for VE Pro.  But it never finds the AU.  It finds AUs for all the other Vienna products though as well as AUs by other developers.  It's also not finding any VSTs for some scans.  I can live with this for now.

    So OK, we'll chalk this up to an anomaly of the beta version of OS X.  That OS wil be released in a few weeks so it's going to need to get addressed then if it is indeed an unreleased OS issue.

  • This is in reference to my previous post (above) on 8/5/16...Pleased to report that the latest version of VEPro 6 is now working for me. Build 6.0.15224. Mac Pro master with two Mac mini slaves, all running OS 10.10.5 with Sibelius 8.4.1. Sibelius now shows the au version of VEPro 6 and successfully loads my playback configuration. All is working as it did before with VEPro 5. Awesome! Thanks to the VSL software team for fixing this in a couple of weeks. I have experienced a couple of small playback glitches, but they resolve themselves on a subsequent play and I can't 100% say that the same thing wouldn't happen under VEPro 5. I will experiment with the buffer settings and report back if I discover anything worthwhile. Best, Andy

  • So if I uninstall VI and VE (non-pro versions), then Sibelius finds the AU version of VE Pro on rescan.  Not sure what to make of this.  

  • Andi,

    I installed the latest VE Pro 6 version, and with it installed, the latest version of Sibelius ( would not open, but shut down while trying. I tried restarting the computer. Did not help. I reinstalled Sibelius, uninstalled and reinstalled VE Pro 6, and still no luck. Sibelius refused to open.

    So I uninstalled VE Pro 6, and downloaded and installed the latest version of VE Pro 5, and everything is back to normal. Sibelius opens and everything is recognized.

    I have no idea what the issue is, since Sibelius would not open at all with VE Pro 6. I'll wait until an updated version of VE Pro 6, Sibelius, or OS X before trying again.

    I'm happy enough working with VE Pro 5. Perhaps someone else will be able to identify the issue, or it will disappear with various software upgrades. 


  • Hello Randall!

    Thanks for reporting. I can't reproduce such a behaviour here. What exactly happened when you were trying to start Sibelius with VE Pro 6 installed? Did you get an error message? At which point exactly did Sibelius shut down? Did you have the key with the VE Pro 6 license attached? Do you have a crash dump file? If yes, please send it to

    Best regards,

    Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Andi,

    I got an error message saying that Sibelius had unexpectedly quit before I even saw any real evidence that it was opening.

    I will check on the license. I had downloaded it before the first install and assumed it was still there. I'll check that first.

    What I may try this morning is leaving VE Pro 5 installed, then installing VE Pro 6, starting Sibelius with 5, having Sibelius rescan, and then try opening with version 6. Now that I realize that I can go back to 5 easily if things don't work, I'll play around some more and see if I can either get 6 to work, or at least send more information by creating an error file.


  • Andi,


    After checking my license (it was there), and knowing that Vienna Ensemble Pro 5 was functioning correctly, I installed the new release of Vienna Ensemble Pro 6. I was nervous then I saw that it had replaced version 5, but Sibelius opened perfectly, using the configuration for the orchestral piece I had tested v. 5 with earlier this morning.

    What I take from this is that the installation of version 6 is now likely to go well provided that it can access information from a functioning installation of version 5. What had failed to work for me was trying to simply upgrade the first version 6, the one that could not locate the AU files.

    Hope this information helps others address this particular problem. Looking forward to settling down to work with VE Pro 6.


  • Hello Randall!

    Thanks for your report. I want to add that in general VE Pro 6 can also be installed without having VE Pro 5 installed previously.


    Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Andi, 

    That the current version of VE Pro 6 could be installed easily as a new program makes perfect sense to me. Or that this version could now be easily installed as an update to previous versions.

    My particular problems developed only because I tried to update the initial release of VE Pro 6, which failed to locate the AU assets. But all is well now, and the process of going back to version 5, and then installing 6 only took a few minutes once I thought to try it. :)



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