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  • Using MiR with 3rd Party Libraries - Mic Positions

    Hi all,

    Sorry if this has already been asked before, and my apologies if any of it is self-explanatory...

    I wanted to try out MiR.  While I am currently using both the Vienna Libraries (cube) and various 3rd party libs, I find most of my sequences, for one reason or another are done on the 3rd party libs such as EW, Lass, CineSamples and Spitfire.   Many of these libraries have various mic positions for their samples, usually at least close/mid/main and surround.    When using Mir, should I only load up the close samples?  Will loading the Decca Tree position mess up what Mir is doing?  

    Also, I run most of my pallete through VEP 4, and use the positional panning feature (the cone at the top of the mixer) to set various section positions (violins,violas,celli,bass,,....etc)....should I set these to their default spread when using MIR?

    Finally, do y'all recommend using MiR as the only reverb or do any of you find that using an algorithmic 'verb after MiR is useful.



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    Thanks for your interest in MIR Pro!

    @Another User said:

    Finally, do y'all recommend using MiR as the only reverb or do any of you find that using an algorithmic 'verb after MiR is useful.

    This depends a lot on your taste and your artistic vision. For a pure, "natural" virtual orchestra recording, you will use MIR Pro without any additional reverb, most likely. OTOH, MIR itself comes with an algorithimic reverb add-on called MIRacle, because audio engineers add artificial reverb to real orchestra recordings since the very beginning, for various reasons. MIR Pro's manual discusses a few of these scenarios in its Tutorial-section and the chapter which is dedicated to MIRacle itself.


    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
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    @Dietz said:

    Exactly. MIR will take care for these tasks. It might be necessary to counteract the "built-in" stereo panorama of 3rd party products, though, to give MIR enough free reign to do its thing. Vienna Instruments are always recorded centered.


    Thanks for the detailed reply.  I'll be testing it out this week.  I understood most everything, except the above.   How does one counteract the panning of the instrument itself, would this be done inside MiR, or on the fader before the sound even gets to mir or on the interface of the VSTi (spitfire,play etc)....




  • You should do this before the signal reaches MIR Pro. Any good stereo utility will do, e.g. Vienna Suite's PowerPan, Waves' S1, or even simple (but independent) volume controls for left and right channel. MIR "expects" a perfectly centered signal, otherwise the positioning of the dry/direct and the wet signal components derived from MIR won't match. This might seem to be no problem at the first glance, but when several input signals don't comply with this prerequisite, it will ruin the experience of "being there" that MIR actually would be able to achieve.

    ... an explanatory sidenote, just in case you didn't read about it before: Within MIR, any dry signal is processed by means of a sophisticated Ambisonics panning matrix. This makes sure that the direct signal component (which reaches the ear before the first reflections of the room arrive) seems to "sit" on the very same spot as the actual signal source we used for the creation of the impulse responses (IRs) in a venue. - "Dry" is not the same as "unprocessed", therefore!


    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library