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  • Using a foot pedal for continuous controller

    I want to use a foot pedal to control the velocity x-fade (CC2) Is this possible and how do you set it up? I am using the newest edition of Sonar Professional and Vienna Instruments.

    I found a foot controller called logidy emi3 that you can connect an expression pedal to and connect to computer via USB but I don't know if this would work. Will Sonar or Vienna Instruments recognize it?  

  • I also found this...

    Does anyone know if this will work?

  • Hi, 

    All MIDI controllers simply send MIDI Data. You can assign this MIDI Data to any parameter in Vienna Instruments (PRO) you like. 

    Personally, I like Breath Controllers better to control velocity, but you can use any pedal as well. 

    First, find out which controller your pedal is sending, and then make sure that it is assigned correctly in Vienna Instruments. 

    If it is sending Volume (CC7) or Expression (CC11), you will want to reassign it in the environment of your sequencer, ideally to CC2. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • I was told I could use a foot controller to control CC2 but I can’t seem to get it to work. Please help.

    Here is what I have set up…


    I am using a moog expression pedal connected to my PC via a MIDI Expression device from My source controller in Vienna Instruments is velocity x-fade set to CC2. My MIDI expression pedal is set to MIDI channel 1, CC2. In Sonar Professional I set up an automation lane set to MIDI channel 1, controller = 2-Breath.

    What am I doing wrong?

  • Hi, 

    Sounds like you are doing it right.
    When you record the MIDI pedal movements, which controller is being recorded in Sonar? 

    Maybe a stupid question, but did you switch Velocity Xfade ON?


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • I figured out what was wrong. I had the input on my MIDI track set to my digital piano. Once I changed the input to "all inputs" it recognized the foot pedal.

    BTW, I love, love, love the new vienna instruments, ensemble, and MIRx!!!  I was still using Opus 1 until a few weeks ago. Man a lot has changed since the early days of VSL!

  • Hi calaf5, 

    Oops, that was an obvious one, sorry about that...

    Glad to hear that you like your new toys!


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL