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  • Question as I update my Orchestra Template

    Hello, I'm finally at a point where I can spend the time to update my Logic orchestral template.  I haven't done this since late Logic 9 and I want to tweak a new one for Logic X taking advantage of the new "Comfortable Multiport Template".  My current template uses the old expanded Multiport Environment and was built in Logic 9 following the Tobias Escher template philosophy.  Logic X has worked pretty well opening this old template and using it, but from what I'm reading, I can make a lot of improvements using the new templates, building from scratch in Logic X.

    My sig below shows my rig right now.  I have a master Mac Pro with 3 slaves: Another Mac Pro and two PC's.  I'll soon be adding another two PC's, for a total of 5 slaves.

    So far, from reading and looking at the templates, it sounds like now I should just have one VEP 5 instance per computer/slave and load those single instances up with everything I need.  Right now, for instance, on the PC housing the Hollywood Strings library, I have one VEP 5 instance per section (Vlns I, Vlns II, Violas, Celli, Basses and a "Full Strings" instance for a total of six instances).  But now, for a new template is my assumption correct?:  Use one VEP 5 instance per computer?  And use the MERGE function to combine my current multiple VEP 5 instances.

    So I'll be using the new 6x16 template, using one stream per computer.  Good?

    Let me know if I'm on the right track.  The rest seems very straightforward.  The new templates look amazingly clean and well organized.  Thanks for all the work that went into these!


  • I'm very curious what your results might be utilizing 1 instance per slave.  You'll have to set the multiprocessing preferences to the maximum number of threads per instance.

    I wonder if this convention also holds true to people hosting the slave VEP locally.

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    @Paul Cristo said:

    I wonder if this convention also holds true to people hosting the slave VEP locally.

    Didn't work - at least not with my setup.  I put all of my instruments into one instance in VEP accessing them via the New Logic Multi-Port environment, and then set the multiprocessing preference to 16 threads per instance.  Even with the new Logic 10.2.1 multi-threading feature, it still just blasted one core and made it unusable.

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    @Paul Cristo said:

    I'm very curious what your results might be utilizing 1 instance per slave.  You'll have to set the multiprocessing preferences to the maximum number of threads per instance.

    I wonder if this convention also holds true to people hosting the slave VEP locally.

    Thanks for your reply!

    With the exception of running VEP5 locally, I thought the whole point of the new Multiport Templates was to use fewer VEP5 instances on the slaves.  There's even a separate page in the new manual about merging existing VE Pro .viframes (page 54).  At the bottom of page 47: "To take advantage of the multiple ports available with the Multiport Template, you can now merge multiple VE PRO instances to one instance."

    Am I missing something?  Is the best way still to have many instances of VEP5 on slaves for various instrument groups?  

    In my old Logic 9 orch template, I did use multiple instances of VEP5 - one less than the total cores of the computer I was using as slave, so on an 8 core PC I would use 7 instances of VEP5.  And again these would be grouped by instruments like Vln I, Vln II etc.

    I'd love to know what the consensus is and how people are using the new Multiport.



  • My impression from the provided templates is to put all instruments into one instance, and to control the instruments via the large amount of ports.  Someone let me know if I'm wrong here, but it seems to me the only way to make that configuration work efficiently is to set the Multiprocessing settings on the slave's VEP to the highest number of threads on the machine.  

    The standing recommendation I've seen in this forum is the fewer instances, the better.  So the 1-instance configuration is congruent with that recommendation.

    Before Logic 10.2.1, this type of 1-instance setup would be impossible because of Logic's inefficiencies in spreading the processing load evenly among all the cores.  Now with the multithreading feature implemented in Logic 10.2.1, they've supposedly solved that problem.  

    I'm also interested if anyone has had success in configuring a 1-instance machine slaved to Logic.