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  • Differences between VEP4 and VEP5

    Hi all, I'm still using the VEP4. Thinking about upgrading. Other than stability and continued development, 3hat features does 5 have that 4 doesn't. I tried to find a comparison sheet but couldn't. Thanks.

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    Hi Steve, 

    The product comparison can be found under "Product Comparison" on the VE PRO 5 product page (in the menu below the product pic 😉). 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Thanks Paul.  But, isn't that the comparison between VE 5 and VEP5?   I'm trying to see the benefit of upgrading from VEP4.



  • Hi F, 

    Oops, you are right.  My bad, VE PRO 4 has been such a long time ago. 

    The main features are mentioned on the first pages of the VE PRO 5 manual. Here they are: 

    Full Backward Compatibility with Vienna Ensemble PRO 4 

    > Full ITU Surround Support 

    > New Surround Balance / Surround Pan Plug-ins 

    > Full Plug-in Latency Compensation 

    > Audio Input Plug-in 

    > Event Input Plug-in (to circumvent AU/VST single MIDI port limitation) 

    > Parameter Automation with touch automation, fully mappable 

    > Transport Play/Stop button, which is transmitted to the master host as well (Space key). Now you can start and stop your playback from within Vienna Ensemble PRO! 

    > Full Time Information and Synchronization from the master host (SMTP, cycling, time signature, PPQ) 

    > Re-arrange and docking/undocking of all windows 

    > Ability to move mixer strips by dragging (was previously only possible with channel strips) 

    > Ability to drag multiple channel or mixer strips at the same time 

    > Ability to undo/redo virtually everything (including 3rd party plugin parameter changes) 

    > VE Pro interface element can be (un)docked and tabbed freely now 


    > Ready for Vienna MIR PRO! 



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL