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  • Change one parameter with 2 sources

    Hey guys

    I might be really slow and missing something here.. But I'm trying to control one parameter (Vel. X-fade) with two different sources simultaneously (velocity + midi message). 

    Is there a way to do this? I havent been able to figure it out...

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    @Rasmus Faber said:

    Hey guys

    I might be really slow and missing something here.. But I'm trying to control one parameter (Vel. X-fade) with two different sources simultaneously (velocity + midi message). 

    I hope I'm understanding your question so here goes...

    If you're trying to program two controllers for one parameter just MIDI learn both controllers for that parameter and they will both control it but they will also control each other.

    When you MIDI learn a controller to manipulate the Vel X Fade that controller overrides the MIDI velocity message of the event assuming that Vel X Fade is turned on.  So your events could be set to 127 MIDI velocity but they will only respond to the MIDI controller that you programmed to control that parameter.

    However, Vel X Fade has an on/off button and that button could be switched on the fly through a keyswitch or other MIDI controller so you could go back and forth from MIDI velocity data to Vel X Fade controller in real time while recording.   Does that make sense? 

    You can't use both at the same time because how does VSL know which velocity to play the event?  

  • Hmm, yeah I can see how it would be hard to achieve. I'm after something like being able to play the velocity, but then to modify it with another controller. I get your point though.

    Basically, it would be cool to have the X-fade controller set to 64 for "0" (no modification) and then being able to play X-fade with velocity. Then if the controller was on 74, then a note with 30 velocity would play as 40, etc.

    That way one could both have the natural way of playing with velocity, but still being able to do crescendos. But maybe I'm complicating things...