Vienna Symphonic Library Forum
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  • WANTED TODAY: Vienna Audition Player Testers

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    Dear Forum Community!

    We are just putting the finishing touches to the Vienna Audition Player, a customized Vienna Instruments PRO player that lets you check out all VSL instruments including Vienna Imperial online!

    To check how the software performs under real-world conditions, we´d love to make a test-run with 20-30 users from all over the world.

    If you´d like to participate, please contact me with the subject “Vienna Audition Player TEST” at">, I´ll provide you with all necessary information in my reply.

    I know it is a bit hard to find a time that fits everyone, so we decided to test in 2 time-brackets:

    Tuesday, Dec 15, 7 pm UTC (London time)
    Wednesday, Dec 16, 11 am UTC (London time)

    To check your timezone, you can use

    Our Vienna Audition Server will be available for about 30 minutes both times and will be switched off after the tests.

    There are no special requirements, simply use the Vienna Audition Player as you like.

    Thanks for helping us out, we´re looking forward to your feedback.
    I will be available on Skype for all questions during the tests.


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
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    Hi everybody, 

    There´s still room for quite a few users - you can also just answer this forum post if you like, I will contact you with all information via your registered email address. 

    Looking forward to this 😊


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Hello again!!

    Still quite some room in the world-wide testing lounge. 

    7 pm London time is:

    11 am in Los Angeles
    2 pm in New  York and Montreal

    Come and join the fun, it´s a cool opportunity to contribute!


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
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    Hi everybody, 

    The more the merrier!

    Join our testing team, it´s still enough time.

    Just answer this thread, there´s nothing to fear 😎

    Also looking forward to tomorrow´s tests!!!


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • I need to get these opportunities posted/alerted to me, via email, as I do not go on the Forum more than once a week and missed this.